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t1_j3mika4 wrote

Where are the "I die" people who fell down?


t1_j3mz6du wrote



t1_j3n6m6p wrote

Idk man after a fall like that my foot may be broken, I think I should call an ambulance before trying to hike a 60° grade again.


t1_j3n71ne wrote


t1_j3odwyc wrote

Oh, they just call those corpses "lazy" and shrug them off to feel better about their own success.

Also, if we're talking about succeeding in terms of American style capitalism, that mountain should be made of dead people you exploited the bodies of to reach the summit.


t1_j3nhof0 wrote

That is me trying to beat the stock market and dying several times xd


t1_j3q25zi wrote

I mean, if you acknowledge that, don't be surprised to end up as one of the corpses. Sincerely, the guy who cooked alot of victory dinners for paying customers.


t1_j3og47v wrote

Most climbing fatalities occur after summiting. Getting to the top is only halfway.


t1_j3obvxx wrote

You can only see them when you zoom out, they are in the valleys before the next peak, and the next and the next and so on.


t1_j3p84bt wrote

They found a nice bed of "I screwed it up" people to land on.


t1_j3svj1g wrote

Why is every top comment here about failing and how "maybe you just shouldn't try at all"?


t1_j3momae wrote

You forgot the "I fucked up" at the end there...


t1_j3oiwin wrote

Or the more subtle and relatable "I am stuck"


t1_j3ojtv4 wrote

Maybe at the 1st bump after the dip.... but that's a pretty sharp and rapid decline after they reached the top...


t1_j3n2gjs wrote

Then the painfully jagged fall down the other side to remind you that life's cruel and unforgiving.


t1_j3p4io1 wrote

Right, the reality is there is no peak. The mountain is always there.

Society is such that the ultra wealthy stealing the fruits of our labors have the excess to pay someone else to make the journey.

Set clear goals. Just fail fast. Be better. Accept a day where motivation is lacking in exchange for self care. Then move on with your goals.


t1_j3p14kt wrote

Lol half the comments are like this. This isn't the /r/lifeispointlessfuckeverything subreddit it's /r/GetMotivated


t1_j3papsf wrote

Images like this aren't motivating tho. It's a reminder that there are those with skills that can, and you will die if you try and can't.


t1_j3r6l57 wrote

If that's how you choose to look at it...


t1_j3ruqyf wrote

George Carlin said, "Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."


So I mean, I get it. I just didn't expect so much of it in this particular sub. And no hate to anyone who thinks this world is shit. I haven't lived their life and can't fault them for their outlook on these things.


t1_j3rl529 wrote

Dude most people are just here to bitch and complain about shit , been that way for a loonnnggg time now


t1_j3ru0uc wrote

I had a big ass thing typed out on my phone, got distracted and closed the app and won't type it all out again.

The gist was, "People should try not to take everything as a literal meaning. Figuratively speaking, my mountain has been weight loss. Since end of Nov. '19, I left society behind and chose a life of WFH lock-down. I gained 50 lbs in two years eating trash foods. Lost 35 of it. Gained 20 back from getting sick after a surgery. Falling down this mountain (which the image does not depict anyway) would represent that 20 lb setback."


TLDR: Ppl should try not to take everything so literal. Figurative expressions exist. Setbacks happen, and it's okay.


t1_j3mi9o4 wrote

I can't gay

I might gay

I will gay

I am gay

I did gay


t1_j3n2tz4 wrote

I may not have much time to enjoy life right now worming 70 hour weeks. But hell, Im making $1500/week and I'll be out of debt in no time. When I do finally achieve that, it'll be like I wasnt in debt at all and Ill finally relax.


t1_j3ov45v wrote

Internet stranger I hope you achieve all of your goals and aspirations in life.


t1_j3pp18v wrote

My brother in debt, learn to relax now.

I finally got through it at age 40 and I am just learning to live life again and it is terrible. The best years of my life are almost all behind me because I forgot how to relax and it will take years to unlearn the bad habits I’ve made for myself.

I am no happier now that I am free because I now realize all that stress is still there even though the debt is gone.

If I could do it all again, I think the real lesson to learn was that of balance.

But regardless I wish you the best of luck.


t1_j3p82oq wrote

Damn I was pulling weeks like that for a good while. Need to do more of that. Gotta get back on the grind


t1_j3pb1ta wrote

It's more like 75 since my daily work commute is an hour each way if we include traffic.


t1_j3pc0j8 wrote

Yeah I was doing a solid 80-85hr weeks for a few years from 2018-2021. Between two full time jobs and ubering on the side. Now I have a toddler and work one job opposite shifts as my partner. Yet somehow I no longer feel like I have the energy to even pull basic over time


t1_j3nm67q wrote

"That's not how this works, kid"



t1_j3mrsq7 wrote

I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter...

Is what this image feels like.


t1_j3mk3mb wrote

and now i have to get down


t1_j3oj942 wrote

You mean your success can't afford a golden parachute down?


t1_j3ouysb wrote

It can but there's a bottle of scotch, and a handgun waiting for you at the bottom.


t1_j3n2ubq wrote

I don't think it drops back down on the other side. I think you get to the top, see another mountain, and realize there is more to climb. Or at the very least you get to the top and have to keep fighting off wind gusts and yetis trying to knock you back down.


t1_j3nlxji wrote

Forgot the part where you slide back down, have to start it all over, then slide back down some more and break an ankle to start again and realize you gotta go to the emergencies but because you tried again with a broken ankle your ankle will never heal correctly and thus you’ll never achieve it anymore.


t1_j3mxh3q wrote

I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna

Wait i’ll just walk around, man good thing I didn’t decide to climb this mountain that would’ve been really dumb!


t1_j3o3qci wrote

Mount Everest is littered with the bodies of people who were once highly motivated, so maybe let's calm down.


t1_j3nzp1c wrote

this climb is too steep, where are the downfalls


t1_j3mq0r1 wrote

Missing the steps where you fall on your ass get back up and do it again


t1_j3nun1n wrote

Can you adjust the hill to account for brain damage. Thanks


t1_j3nviw2 wrote

I read it as 1 AM and thought "Jesus who is climbing a mountain at that time"


t1_j3o57c9 wrote

I am at "I did," and i "can't." I did have a job, and i cant find another one.


t1_j3o5vi3 wrote

You don't climb such a dangerously steep mountain without safety gear - unless you're given no choice and would die not trying.

> "You got this"

Famous last words.


t1_j3op54q wrote

Currently at I am. I have smoked weed for 14 years during December suicidal thought's became a 3-4 day. Instead of ending it I changed it. I am sober since December 29 I am so happy and proud of myself and my mind is clearer than ever.


t1_j3orp0v wrote

And what's that shit with the hill going downwards after? It never gets easier 😉


t1_j3mf6jy wrote

I would probably get about halfway and then fall to my death lol


t1_j3mlpr7 wrote

it's so satisfying, even though we know that it's not so simple. Somehow the brain soothes by such things, short general advices and quotes. It's like when a mom tells an uncalm child "It's okay! Nothing to worry about" and the kid takes it all without questioning anything else.


t1_j3myhvz wrote

Anyone else feel like theyre climbing the underside?


t1_j3neibf wrote

Haha I'd like to see the r/despair version of this


t1_j3nls05 wrote

Or when you get to the top of the mountain and you're all by yourself and the air is thin you'll think - I liked the old days and struggle better


t1_j3nnh3l wrote

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Chinese proverb


t1_j3ntpyb wrote

Maybe were all r already at the top


t1_j3o4t9b wrote

Nowhere to go but downhill from now.


t1_j3o5t6f wrote

Of those 5 people only one succeeded and the "I am person" is risking a spinal injury.

It's clearly better not to try things......


t1_j3o95qe wrote

i cant procrastinate

i might procrastinate

i will procrastinate

i am procrastinating

i procrastinated


t1_j3oeyza wrote

Notice how after I did it there's a downward slope of death and alcohol


t1_j3ogiyz wrote

Trying to think like this about choosing a health insurance plan for my husband and I - it’s the first time I’ve ever elected one not through an employer.


t1_j3oh05c wrote

…cancel my gym membership


t1_j3oidxq wrote

and then weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee down the hill I go


t1_j3oinff wrote

Zoom out and show the next one…and the next one.

You can’t forget where you came from either and what you have done to get this far. And for quality of life: Its okay to turn around and enjoy the view of what you have conquered.


t1_j3ojrw8 wrote

During the "I am" part you panic and give up.


t1_j3okp1p wrote

The adventure isn't over until you are back at the car


t1_j3olnn7 wrote

looks to his left to see that he's barely made it a quarter of the way


t1_j3oltwz wrote

And . . . Just because you or someone 'can' doesn't mean you should. How do you plan on getting down, you're the only one up there.


t1_j3ombgu wrote

I am waiting for the punchline.

"You scored a goal against your own team, jerk!"

crying infant chorus in background


t1_j3orivv wrote

For some reason I read this backwards and related to it somehow


t1_j3ospdf wrote

That was me until 25, then the downslope was immense. Broke my body, everything hurts, and tumbled into a field of manure.


t1_j3ouimv wrote

Me after climbing the mountain:

>Now how the fuck am I suppose to come back down?


t1_j3p45ij wrote

Yeah, cool. I will file this under "obvious reasons I'm not a perfect person" and place it on my vision board to give others advice. Right up there with eat better, exercise, don't stress, have resilience, and whatever intrinsic motivations and traits I lack. Just like being smart, pretty, successful, and rich. The answers are so obvious.


t1_j3p4uuq wrote

Why would I want to stand on top of a mountain? There's nothing up there and it looks dangerous. Get down before you hurt yourself.


t1_j3p6ci0 wrote

"I will continue" This graph and whole thought process got me through rehab and continues to help me with my sobriety


t1_j3p7uc1 wrote

The sharp downward slope after achieving "success" paints a less rosy long term picture.


t1_j3p90wl wrote

I lost friends and family while burnt out at “I am”


t1_j3p9h3z wrote

It's all downhill from there.


t1_j3pe1fp wrote

To make this realistic, there needs a few slips and slides.


t1_j3pgsri wrote

What about the legless guy, or the one with a tick, or an inner ear issue? What about the one that Mr. I Did stole all his gear from? What about the one who has family obligations and would have to carry 2, or 4, or 7, or 23 others up there with them? I can't is valid for any number of legitimate reasons.


t1_j3phczd wrote

Move from nikes 'just do it' mantra to a 'JUST DID IT' goal accomplishment growth mindset! Action oriented momentum focus.


t1_j3phle3 wrote

This was massage school for me. Passed with all A’s. If you want to then you will.


t1_j3pi9d0 wrote

Yeah but then what comes after with that drop at the end? 🥺


t1_j3pndvn wrote

I can’t the mountain, I might the mountain, I will the mountain, I am the mountain, I did the mountain


t1_j3pofnl wrote

At least throw a few backslides in there.


t1_j3pqjjm wrote

I am right at the cusp of “I did!”

I started college for the first time at 36 years old, a mother of 4 kids and working full time.

I am on track to graduate Fall 2023 with a degree in computer science.

I felt like giving up so many times…the stress of working during the day, classes at night. Leaving at 8am and not coming home until 10pm.

It’s been hard but I’m almost there and hopefully I can finally start a career and maybe buy my first home so my kids can finally have a home they can truly call theirs!


t1_j3pspe0 wrote

Important to recognize that you might not succeed on the first try and thats not a good reason to stop trying.

Failure is a requisite part of success - Ishikawa


t1_j3pumgg wrote

Takes 2 - 3 more cycles of first three steps for me


t1_j3pv569 wrote

and then you realize the air is too thin to breathe at the peak which cuz success is often suffocating


t1_j3pvgmf wrote

I'm between "I Might" & "I Will".


t1_j3q0mt3 wrote

I skip straight to 'I am' or else I get stuck at 'I will'


t1_j3q1cdt wrote

I am but I think I need better hiking boots.


t1_j3q2pcd wrote

I was really hoping for a guy tumbling down the other side with:

"I shouldn't have"


t1_j3q8nzi wrote

Check out Liz and Mollie on Instagram. They are the artists behind this image. They have more such lovely stuff on their page.


t1_j3qdjs3 wrote

Fun fact it is all downhill from there.


t1_j3qfghq wrote

Hmm it should be “We got this”. Find community, walk the journey together. The whole individualism and having to hold it all on our shoulders is an outdated paradigm.


t1_j3qsojx wrote

Not a good, u dint blame society and humanity enough


t1_j3qwowc wrote

Why make things harder and climb a steep mountain when you can choose an easier path and climb the mountain with the effort dispersed better?


t1_j3qwtvb wrote

Except in life you never reach the peak!


t1_j3t10zq wrote

Thinking “I’m going to climb up this mountain” sometimes makes me feel kind of tedious. But I think I climbed them a lot without noticing it because I fell into the depth of the sea and returned to sea level, fetching many souvenirs. My mountains were just upside down. I just think “the difference between ‘where you were’ and ‘where you are now’ is what you got.


t1_j3xwh85 wrote

Forgot one, after you reach your goal, you realize you still feel like shit 😁


t1_j3mqc6z wrote

More likely: I can't - I might - Can I? - I will - I can't - I will - I can't - I will - I can't - I might - I'll try this other way - I can't - I will - Need money goddamit I can't - Can I? - Everybody thinks I'm crazy, can I? - I can't without support - I can't - I can't - I can't.
Life isn't as easy as those motivational posters says. Only willpower is not enough to overcome the chaos of trying to succeed in something.
