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13900_lP_wasted t1_j4tggzu wrote

I was just making dinner, dim lights, listening to my favorite tunes...

All of the sudden I stopped, looked around and thought to myself: All of this, inside this house, all I've helped gather. Slowly looked around, aknowledging everything my mom and I own. I tapped my back and got watery eyes. Im fucking proud of myself.


Context: My mom doesn't have a retirement plan, she has always been a housewive. My dad and her split appart 7 years ago.

5 years ago, my dad stopped giving her money. I had to step in and take care of her and the house.

We live in an experive area, we've both managed to work to sustain the house and get the stuff we need. We don't have a car, so things can always be better, but I'm grateful for pushing through the shit we've lived.

A couple of days ago, my dad and mom came to an agreement, she got het share of the heritage and we can finaly breath in peace knowing we don't have to worry about montly expenses as much.

Cheers to 2023, to recovering my life back, to growth and fuck all the dickhead dads that let their family suffer through this shit.