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Digiarts t1_j4upz8e wrote

What is this


wangyuanji58 t1_j4v0swz wrote

Motivation! I know I'm ready to get it now!


sudobee t1_j4vk6dp wrote

Don't bother let your unconscious decide. It has the wheels.


Narethii t1_j4v3vlm wrote

This entire sub is just nonsense and confusion. I like to categorize this type of post as nihilist motivation, "secretly the world sucks and you don't have agency so go do that thing you want to do". As a front page only user I hate how popular this subreddit is.


pistpuncher3000 t1_j4w6l3z wrote

OP is loosely trying to say we shouldn't let out subconscious control us. We can consciously make better decisions and make ourselves better.


fhewson t1_j4w9kjv wrote

But isn't it better to train and understand your unconscious mind? This way it will choose right decisions and guide you.


Logout123 t1_j4urp96 wrote

Thanks I feel real motivated now that I’ve seen this.


whooo_me t1_j4utwpq wrote

Yup. I guess we just need to sit here and wait for our unconscious minds to get it right…


AvantgardeSavage OP t1_j4vbz28 wrote

Guys, the fact that unconscious drives behaviour does not mean you don't have agency. It's more about how change comes from designing habits and the environment to promote your unconscious to do what we want, instead of trying to force ourselves and then feel crappy when it does not work.


Mobely t1_j4veaie wrote

Man, you need to post, like, a guide on what that even means.

How do you do that?


ScandalousSocialist t1_j4vtmw1 wrote

Isn't this like proven fact? Why are you downvoted lol.

We have 2 parts of our brain, the conscious and unconscious, the unconscious controls most things instantaneously meanwhile the conscious takes time to decide.

The people screaming about "no agency" don't realize that the unconscious is just a reflection of what you've trained yourself to do.

You catch yourself eating Oreos for example, you've trained your unconscious self to desire Oreos, you CAN train it to stop as well. That's where the whole concept of self control comes in, your unconscious mind wants to do something but you overpower it with your conscious efforts.


Prak_Argabuthon t1_j4vku3d wrote

Self-hypnosis is one way that the guy in front can have some control over where the car travels from point A to point B.


PhinsGraphicDesigner t1_j4wbi7b wrote

I’m here to back up Scandalous Socialist. This is some legitimately good advice, and it’s a shame to see people downvoting this when it could actually help a lot of people.

I think you would really like the book “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, although maybe you’ve already read it.

It talks about a somewhat similar concept that humans have 2 types of thinking. Type 1 is unconscious, quick biases, and rapid thinking. Things we don’t really have to think about much. Something like small talk or walking. Type 2 is more intense, conscious, deeper thinking. This is something like a complex math problem. The human brain is lazy and tries whenever possibly to use type 1 thinking. This is probably 90% of our thinking. Type 2 is harder and happens less frequently.

Much like this meme, we like to think we are always rational type 2 thinkers, but really most of our lives is dictated by type 1. We go around in our life using type 1 thinking until a more complex problem arises that requires type 2 thinking.


dogwillrun t1_j4winou wrote

The meme is stupid but you’re 100% correct in you explanation. Spot on.


BakuTheMooneater t1_j4xx9ac wrote

Thanks for the explanation! I was a bit confused by the meme until you explained it here. Much appreciated.


reverse_monday t1_j4unxu7 wrote

My unconscious is a large angry woman?


swarmofbears0 t1_j4v6i64 wrote

Thought this was r/terriblefacebookmemes for a second


TwainVonnegut t1_j4ur32n wrote

What if I told you that you actually have no free will at all!


mjkjg2 t1_j4vin9i wrote

well that’s motivating as f*ck!


ScandalousSocialist t1_j4vumy5 wrote

You have free will. You also have a heavily programmed unconscious mind which attempts to do things whether you really want to or not.

Catch yourself eating a bag of Oreos without realizing? Taking a nap when you know you should be doing something else? You've trained your unconscious mind to desire those things and it WILL take work to rewire it and you will make "mistakes" along your journey as you try and change it.

Think of it like, in the case of this meme, your conscious mind trying to calm the mean unconscious in control, she might be mad and not listen now, over time she will come around and you can tell her to turn right instead of left, sometimes she might not listen, try again.


sendmeyourdadjokes t1_j4vb7vk wrote

What am I looking at and why did OP find this so motivating??


kykyks t1_j4ut0hq wrote

holy fuck even boomer humor is better xD


pinupgal t1_j4uyx9x wrote

This is garbage.


unicyclegamer t1_j4vrxa2 wrote

I kind of understand what this is pointing out, but it’s not doing a great job of it.


ScandalousSocialist t1_j4vwwz0 wrote

Yeah the meme kinda sucks but the people making fun of the concept in the comments is odd.


unicyclegamer t1_j4vzac3 wrote

Reddit is full of cynical people who don’t believe their problems can be fixed so I’m not too surprised. They’re like vultures to bad motivational posts.


OuthouseBacksteak t1_j4vnwxk wrote

Congratulations, OP. This post is garbage enough that I'm finally bothering with unsubbing. Thanks for motivating me I guess.


NAMYNNUF t1_j4vjm8q wrote

r/terriblefacebookmemes this may be the sub you’re looking for.


MrCrash t1_j4votv8 wrote

This is the opposite of motivational.

The fuck are you thinking, OP?


EdgiPing t1_j4vp8y2 wrote

I've seen authors claiming this is how the mind works. The unconscious mind governs the conscious mind. Before you decide to do something (ex: lift an arm), the unconscious mind has already decided for you. Never quite understood how this works fully though.


ScandalousSocialist t1_j4vwbpa wrote

Think of it like "instinct" vs "thoughtful action"

The very first thing you decide is often an unconscious reaction. Someone jumps at you to scare you and you throw your arms up for example, then you settle down and realize it was just your friend. That's the unconscious making a decision and then your conscious mind taking over. To make conscious decisions you have to evaluate, to make unconscious decisions you just have to react to the immediate stimuli and requires no thinking or evaluation so it comes first and must be corrected.

Continuing the example, if your conscious mind never took back over you would either run or fight your friend but you don't because your conscious mind takes back over as soon as it has made all the evaluations.

Ordering a pizza then regretting it as soon as you think for 5 seconds, mindlessly eating a bag of Oreos, all of these are unconscious actions people take every day (or at least I did and still do to a lesser extent). We can train our unconscious to an extent though, the reason it orders the pizza or keeps eating the Oreos is because that's what we have previously trained it to do. The reason monks can meditate through any sort of scare/pain is they have trained it to not react (though that's an extreme example of course)


PhinsGraphicDesigner t1_j4wd06j wrote

The book “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, talks about a somewhat similar concept that humans have 2 types of thinking. Type 1 is unconscious and rapid. This is where our quick biases come in to make thing easier. Hard thinking takes a lot of energy, so it is beneficial to have instinctual behaviors that don’t take a lot of effort or energy. These are things we don’t really have to think about much. Something like small talk, walking, doing a mind-dumbing, or a repetitive task at work that’ve you practically memorized and can do while sleeping. Have you ever been driving home and just blank out and kinda wake up at your destination thinking how did I get here? That’s type 1 thinking taking over. This is evolutionarily beneficial. When a predator comes, your instincts tell you to run away. You don’t want to or need to sit there thinking about all the ways a lion can rip your body in half, because then you’ve already been attacked.

Type 2 is more intense, conscious, deeper thinking. This is something like a complex math problem. Quick biases cannot solve these issues and you need to stop what your doing and figure it out.

Try this out: have someone walk around the room and have a basic conversation with them. Those are both type 1 activities and can be done easily and mindlessly. Now ask that person (who’s hopefully not a math wizard) to multiply something ridiculous like 437 times 671. 99.9% of the time, they will stop walking to try to think about answer the question. Type 2 thinking has just been activated which takes conscious effort.

The human brain is lazy and tries whenever possibly to use type 1 thinking. This is probably 90% of our thinking. Type 2 is harder and happens less frequently.

Much like this meme, we like to think we are always rational type 2 thinkers, but really most of our lives is dictated by the biases of type 1. We go around in our life using these biases we have learned / been taught using type 1 thinking because it’s easier. That is until a more complex problem arises that requires type 2 thinking.


ncsbass1024 t1_j4vdhsw wrote

This is one of the themes in the movie "The Wall." Things like this are recounted as "another brick in the wall". The wall of course being the wall we build around or subconcious. The bricks we lay in the al are differnet, they describe young lust, greed, propaganda from school and home, and consumerism as "they were all just bricks in the wall."

And its made even better because in the film Pink's mother is one of these bricks. She fills him with indoctronation and ultimately is one of the main reason he becomes a nazi. "Of course Mama's gonna help build the wall"


stealthdawg t1_j4vv1v0 wrote

imo its more like my concious mind's role is to shape/train my unconcious as well as my environment to produce the desired results for my self/life.

As in, my typical behaviour is a running engine that I need to tune, upgrade and direct, and I also need to set up my surroundings to optimize. I don't control it, but rather guide it and provide course correction.


ph30nix01 t1_j4vx0my wrote

And you set that subconscious by your daily actions and choices.


electrikoptik t1_j4usgeu wrote

I loved that cartoon as a kid. I think it’s from ‘Tex Avery - car of tomorrow’.


xkoreotic t1_j4w3pjb wrote

Someone who hasn't taken Psychology 101 made this meme.


sibbrawa t1_j4w3qou wrote

What was this cartoon ? 40 years ago


Aka_Santi t1_j4w5ac2 wrote

Some psychoanalysis I see


SomeDay_Dominion t1_j4w9qdp wrote

Determinism is cringe. You can unconsciously be a loser, but conscious decisions and habits are what makes a winner.


illabo t1_j4zenno wrote

Thought it’s r/ProgrammerHumor at first.


TopTheropod t1_j4vebnf wrote

Great content, not so great presentation


musicalbasics t1_j4vupq7 wrote

The reality is the other way around, but ok.