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tullystenders t1_j7t5obj wrote

Claims of people "overthinking" is just condemning smart people for figuring things out better than you.


Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j7t7d1t wrote

Being smart and overthinking are two different things still. We tend to overthink when anxious or heavily stressed for example. You can be smart and still overthink a situation, doesn’t mean you’re dumb either.


tullystenders t1_jaas5gz wrote

But I'm arguing that many or most things that you would label as overthinking are actually the secrets of life being figured out. People domt realize how uncomfortable many people are with the deep truths.

You dont seem like someone who wants to have deep yet precise conversations.


romchik1987 t1_j7tvfc0 wrote

They’re not. “Overthinking” is one of the cons of being smart.


LynxKuroneko t1_j7u4t5q wrote

No, overthinking is a risk that can be higher in a "smart" person. There are many factors involved.


Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j7ub14f wrote

Overthinking is also a response to being stuck in fight or flight. To be ruled by emotions and get stuck in a whirlwind of thoughts. Especially an effect from a traumatic upbringing or horrible relationship.

A smart person or “dumb”person can both overthink. If you are aware and learn that thoughts are just thoughts, and you know to quite your mind… overthinking is done.

Overthinking stems from negative emotional states of an outcome that has or hasn’t happened.

We are not victims. IQ level doesn’t necessarily dictate stress levels/ can be dumb and overthink a test too.


LynxKuroneko t1_j7ub669 wrote

Literally my current situation. 32 years old and just now starting to break apart the chains of lifelong trauma. I just want it to be over. And I'm starting not to care how. :/


Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j7ukrns wrote

That’s awesome! I’m the same age this summer. Some view it as stupid or don’t understand, and choose to remain in the ways they are, that are not self fulfilling.

Meditation, astrology, etc is all great to learn some tools. But at the end of the day focus on yourself. Everyday. How you talk to yourself. The grace you give yourself. Be that parent to yourself you always wanted/needed.


LynxKuroneko t1_j7ul1k3 wrote

For sure. And astronomy, yes. Considering getting a telescope. I enjoy watching the planets and Orion float around. Appreciate the kind words.


Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j7unmjr wrote

Haha I said astrology. Astronomy is also super cool. Idk where you are but Local observatories and meetups that usually set up events night viewing events. Bunch of high powered telescopes and the dome telescopes if an observatory.

You’re welcome! Happiness is always within, we have to see it.


Ghostawesome t1_j7usccw wrote

You can train your self to not overthink as much and medical interventions can help if for example adhd is involved. It's about the ability to choose where to put your energy and what trains of thought you'd be better off just leaving and just throwing the ticket in the trash.

Now if it's overthinking or not is subjective. Does pursuing the line of reasoning in question distract you from more important things? Does it hurt you without leading anywhere? Has your exploration gone so far that you've lost perspective? Is the solution you have good enough and any further improvements you might find is not worth your time? Are you working on too little data so even if the reasoning and assumptions are good in the end it's still not much better than a guess?


v4m t1_j7tp1cd wrote

The idea is to identify when you’re overthinking, and identify when it’s not solving a problem. If you’re thinking about a relatively small mistake you made a few weeks ago, you’re probably overthinking. If you’re deciding what to do with your day or thinking about how to apologise to someone, you’re solving a problem (but there’s a limit before it becomes overthinking or ruminating).


Aquaticbadger t1_j7ttqjj wrote

The problem with that is that the people these are targeted at are not smart enough to identify that and just take the comment at face value. It's the common problem and risk with this stuff.


v4m t1_j7uk1vf wrote

True to some extent, but I do think it's low risk that someone will take this post at face value and literally not think before doing stupid things. FWIW I do think the quote is crap and an oversimplification of what it's trying to say.


tiboodchat t1_j7vunwl wrote

My psychologist calls this "effective" thoughts as in "effectiveness". It's the best way to think about it IMO.

Is the thought/sentiment (rumination in the case of overthinking) effective, aka is it productive and serves the current situation? The hard part is asking yourself that question at the right moment.


AstroStrat89 t1_j7txmtn wrote

I don't think overthinking is the side of the coin we should be worried about.


Zerathios t1_j7ts44q wrote

I would think this relates to a person laying in bed and just repeating thoughts of worry about things that need to be done but what if x and y happens that would change A1 into A2 but that would mean Z.

Sometimes thinking is the enemy to your wellbeing. It sure is for me sometimes.