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t1_j8ihemj wrote

That's a simplification, because unsurprisingly, memes suck at philosophy. Buddhism would say that lowering your expectations to match reality "minimizes suffering", rather than "maximizes happiness". Because even if your reality is unpleasant, you no longer have the additional suffering of being disappointed that reality isn't matching your expectations.


t1_j8ml85p wrote

Correct. You aren't able to control reality over the short term, but you can control how you react to it. It takes years, decades, to change your life, but you can change your reaction in weeks or months, and to be honest, removing that misery from your mental space will open up room for things that serve you better


t1_j8mp1oe wrote

You're absolutely right about the time scales and I think the graphic makes more sense if you factor that into the message.

Can I lose 50 lbs today? No, that expectation would bring suffering.

Can I undo that gluttonous trip to the buffet yesterday? No, that expectation would bring suffering.

Can I go for a run right now? Yes, if I have everything I need to do so.

It gets a little more interesting when you're talking about the near future...

Can I go for a run tonight? Maybe... It depends on what happens between now and then. Sometimes legitimate obstacles appear and I'll suffer unnecessarily if my expectations don't match that reality.