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t1_j8w4bmt wrote

NAD, but sounds to me like you have ADHD not depression. Learn some coping skills from a behavior therapist, go on meds, or make a career out of whatever isn’t a “job” to you.


t1_j8xtcq1 wrote

How does one go about finding one of those? When I could see a therapist, I had to choose the one in-network to have my insurance pay for it (well, part of it). I could not find anyone who specialized in that.


t1_j8y9voa wrote

Your general practitioner can orient you - or you can call your insurance provider and see if they can help. Since ADHD sometimes requires medication, you will need a psychiatrist (or other medical doctor) to prescribe, but if you go the therapist route, they’ll usually work with one. Question is whether behavior modification or drugs will work better for you. If you have a general doctor, it might be easiest to start there. As a side note - there is a lot of misdiagnosis in depression and ADHD. And don’t feel bad about “wasting your life” - most of us don’t get it sorted out until later and the myriad of experiences lends itself to a creative and fulfilling career(s).

I started in media in my 20s (like you, all over the place, no focus, no real “job”), went back to school got a BA and a law degree in my late 30s (we’re good at hyper focus when we enjoy what we’re doing), and built a tech company - and was awarded patents - in my late 40s (we love a challenge for the mind too).

But don’t stress where you are now - get your ADHD under control - or recognize you have it and knock some bodies down with it, and have multitudes of careers! - and enjoy your journey!!


t1_j91ip62 wrote

None of the health care providers I've seen (doctors, therapists, and shrinks) had a clue how to diagnose ADHD. I don't have any options until I get a job, but I was hoping someone could tell me what to look for. Is there a word for a provider that specializes in it?


t1_j92ppou wrote

Tell your doctor you think you have ADHD and want to be evaluated for it by a specialist (eg psychiatrist). You have to advocate for yourself in healthcare. You can also search your insurance portal (all insurance companies have this) for ADHD - or call them directly to see how to achieve this. Part of coping with ADHD is figuring out how to get things done - no matter the route. Bug your doctor, bug your insurance company, be annoying - everyone with ADHD has that capacity, LOL!


t1_j93y0ln wrote

I've been to a couple of psychiatrists. They let me talk for 10 minutes, gave me a script, and showed me the door.


t1_j94vsem wrote

That sounds like a psychiatrist. And they probably just did it for depression. You have to tell your healthcare providers (including psychiatrists) what you need - “evaluate me for ADHD”. The hallmark of adult ADHD is career switching, and unable to focus on stuff you don’t like - which you exhibit. You can also find a therapist to refer or behavior mod - again insurance company portals by specialty is how that’s done. Also, your general doctor can align you with either of these. I can’t do it for you, dude - you have to make this first step.


t1_j95jod0 wrote

I'll try, if I ever get a job with health insurance.


t1_j979vv7 wrote

If you have no job, no insurance, no money - get social services. It’s what it’s there for. Call the Medicaid office, they’ll orient you.


t1_j97xjzx wrote

I have money from an inheritance that I am living on while I look for another job, so I don't qualify for any assistance. I really thought I would have found another job by now.


t1_j99jyqm wrote

Then use your inheritance to pay for health insurance - it’s not that expensive. I’m starting to wonder if you really want to get motivated or just want to bitch about your unwillingness to function (or as I used to tell my mother, “I can’t want to”).


t1_j99v31p wrote

Health insurance isn't very expensive? What alternate universe do you live in?


t1_j9bdiit wrote

One that values quality of life over discretionary spending. You have an inheritance to live on but not a couple hundred bucks for insurance? You can’t figure out how to find a therapist or a psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD? You can’t reach out to social services to ask for mental health resources in your area? Are you five..?


t1_j9ccehl wrote

It's more than "a couple hundred bucks" per MONTH for health insurance. Try $456.00 per month. You are guessing that I have much more money than I do. I AM TRYING to find a job I can live on, without success.

NO, I can't figure out how to find a therapist that specializes in ADHD. I tried. I had to choose from among a short list of in-network providers and none of them did. I don't quality for social services.