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SenAtsu011 t1_j9o1e50 wrote

A family friend became a doctor at 60 after spending over 30 years being a stay-at-home housewife raising 3 children. It truly is never too late if you have the time, energy, and dedication.


PulsarGlobal t1_j9ol959 wrote

What country did it happen at?


SenAtsu011 t1_j9onzsq wrote



PulsarGlobal t1_j9oolz0 wrote

I see, in the US it would take a few more years to get through residency and at that point it would be retirement time, so not sure if Norway is different and your friend can be useful as a doctor.


SenAtsu011 t1_j9oq6c6 wrote

Yeah, I don't know more than that story, really. I highly doubt she could have worked as a doctor for a very long time, and this was 20-30 years ago, so she's definitely retired now. From what I was told she mostly did it because it was a childhood dream of hers.