SenAtsu011 t1_j9onzsq wrote
Reply to comment by PulsarGlobal in [Image] It's never too late for anything by heavilyremake71
SenAtsu011 t1_j9o1e50 wrote
A family friend became a doctor at 60 after spending over 30 years being a stay-at-home housewife raising 3 children. It truly is never too late if you have the time, energy, and dedication.
SenAtsu011 t1_j5t9jvi wrote
The trick here is that high income people can purchase emission credits by dumping their emissions responsibility onto someone that produces little to no, or even negative emissions, which lowers their responsible emissions.
Many companies do this. In tech, vehicle manufacturing, oil refineries. Hell, even entire countries does this. It doesn't lower the total emissions, just dumps the responsibility for the emissions onto someone that produces very little emissions, which lowers the purchaser's emission responsibility and increases the seller's responsibility. Usually the seller of the credits only buy up so and so much to avoid paying emissions taxes or getting sanctioned and taxed in other ways.
SenAtsu011 t1_j4uu8xq wrote
Reply to "Make something small at first. Just get something published!" they said... "Hold my juice..." said I. No, I did not spend *all* my savings (I've got kids to support!), but after 2 years of nerdy-hobby mode, I've been working full-time on World Turtles for over a year now! by GideonGriebenow
This looks amazing. If it's on Steam I'll definitely add it to my Wishlist.
SenAtsu011 t1_j9oq6c6 wrote
Reply to comment by PulsarGlobal in [Image] It's never too late for anything by heavilyremake71
Yeah, I don't know more than that story, really. I highly doubt she could have worked as a doctor for a very long time, and this was 20-30 years ago, so she's definitely retired now. From what I was told she mostly did it because it was a childhood dream of hers.