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[deleted] t1_j9qgyxl wrote


losprimera t1_j9r3kgp wrote

wait, youre saying that people have kids explicitly to prop up the economy?


[deleted] t1_j9r6k7d wrote



losprimera t1_j9rag8w wrote

i do. im just clarifying if its explicit. That means im asking if ppl have children with the intent to prop up the economy.


[deleted] t1_j9rbwat wrote



losprimera t1_j9snr7n wrote

well, u were arguing witht the other dude about motives. he argued that havin kids was selfish. It was a surprisingly nuanced answer, because there are, afaik, two possible claims here. Either its A) the desire for conception is selfish (especially if its an instinctual desire), or B) the outcome is undesirable (e.g. an insecure future for the child). Ofc, you brought in a completely different argument that it props up an economy and failed to address the above two claims directly, but the curious thing is that selfishness and self-serving principles are very much part of the incentives of a free economy, so really there isnt a point of contention between you and him. thats why I wanted to clarify and see if you were aware that you had been arguing a strawman.


TwistedMetalGear t1_j9s5aqu wrote

What you explain is a nice benefit of continuing the human race, but nobody really thinks "hmm, I'm worried about the future state of the economy, therefore I'm gonna have kids to prop it up."


DuskyDay t1_j9qkjh3 wrote

> So everyone with kids is selfish? Doesn’t matter that those kids will literally run the economy and society and make sure the infrastructure is there to support you when you’re old?

The problem is that there are too many kids. Only some of them would be necessary.


[deleted] t1_j9qlt89 wrote



DuskyDay t1_j9quejn wrote

It doesn't matter which ones. There should be much less of them. I don't see why is this simple point so complicated for you.