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cannibalisticbiscuit t1_j9tpuzc wrote

Same here. Undiagnosed/unaware ASD until two years ago, I took years off of school before that, then went back last year with accommodations and doing much better.

Accommodations make a huge difference for me, I’ll never understand why people push their gd chairs back so loudly during a test. Get me away from these mfers and in a darker room with a white noise machine, boom, tests are 10x easier to bear


DasUberPretzel t1_j9ucmiq wrote

I fidget and stim a lot while doing pretty much anything, so accommodations work both ways. Get away from people, so I’m less anxious, and my stimming isn’t going to bother them.


cannibalisticbiscuit t1_j9ucwzq wrote

Exactly. I can bring like three of my stim toys into the testing room, use them and no one cares. It feels like a game changer