Submitted by soniabegonia t3_122ts37 in Hartford

Hi folks! I'm thinking about moving to downtown Hartford. The internet is telling me that it's too dangerous to go walking in Bushnell or the Riverside park after dark, it's not as walkable as it seems because stores close on the weekends, and it's a commuter city that's totally dead after 5 pm.

Is this true? What's your experience of downtown Hartford, particularly after dark and on the weekends?

I want to live someplace that is walking distance to a park where I can go for long walks (ideally in the evening), and has things like book clubs and art studios where I can take classes. Downtown Hartford seems on the map like it fits the bill, but maps can be deceiving.

For reference, I've mostly lived in cities in the past, including in areas that people sometimes describe as "rough," so I know how to keep my head on a swivel and mind my own business.

Thank you! :)



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CityBird555 t1_jds5pcu wrote

I have lived in downtown Hartford since 2004. I am female. I walk around all the time, including in the evenings, and feel perfectly safe. As a general rule of thumb, you should not go walking in any park at night, and most parks are open from dawn to dusk for a reason (including Central Park in NYC). Lord knows Hartford is not perfect. (what city is?) and it has a reputation as a commuter-only town, but there are 120k people who actually live here, plenty of whom live downtown and walk around safely all the time. And if you are the type of person who does not wait for events to show up on their doorstep, and actually goes out and looks for things to do, signs up for newsletters/follows organizations on social media for information about things to do, you will find plenty to do here in Hartford. It is full of creative & talented people who enrich their own and others’ lives. We have live music, art shows, street festivals, farmers markets, independent theaters, etc. Go on and look at the Events tab and sign up for their newsletter. Check out for a things to do page. To me, anyone who says “there’s nothing to do in Hartford” either 1) is comparing Hartford to New York City and is expecting 24 hr Times Square on every corner and/or 2) hasn’t actually looked for things to do the way they would if they were visiting another city for the first time.

Feel free to DM me for more info.


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtiwj4 wrote

Thank you! This is really helpful. This is what I thought was probably the case, but people kept saying otherwise, which was really confusing.

FWIW, I'm not thinking of going for walks in the park at like, midnight -- I was thinking 6-7 pm ish, which is after dark in the winter.

I will send you a DM! :)


jmlrjtm t1_jdu9zsk wrote

I moved here just a few months ago from a NYC suburb, so I’m a recent transplant to Hartford. I’m in the Charter Oak Ave neighborhood and I walk/run a lot - these were my concerns before moving here and I’ve found downtown Hartford to be very safe / walkable. Riverside Park and Bushnell are great spots and trails that extend from them are nice, too.

Moving in winter, I found myself running after work downtown at night often - I even would cut thru Bushnell Park at night and never had an issue. (Be aware of your surroundings, of course!). There’s a lot of events happening in Hartford and I’m excited for the warmer weather and events coming up that I’ve stumbled upon.

If you get tired of Hartford on a weekend, there’s no shortage of nearby towns that also have a lot to offer. (Rt. 84 / 91 can get trafficky, but it’s never worse than any other city I’ve lived in).

Hartford has excelled a lot of my expectations so far. It’s far from perfect, but I’ve come to be very happy with my decision to relocate here, and I feel like I’ve just begun to scratch the surface!


soniabegonia OP t1_jdv394y wrote

Thank you! This is great to know. What times do you like to go running at night?


ekcunni t1_jdtyoa2 wrote

I'm female and my boyfriend lives in downtown Hartford. We go for walks in Bushnell Park and at the riverfront (which is super pretty) all the time, including early evening, and I've gone by myself plenty of times. It's never felt unsafe.

There's also stuff to do if you look for it - last summer they had free outdoor concerts, his building did a wine tasting on the rooftop deck, there are theaters and restaurants, sometimes cool shows or events come to the XL Center or the Convention Center, we walk to Yard Goats games. I'm sure there are things like book clubs, but I've never personally looked into it.

That said, Hartford DOES feel relatively empty to me on weekends. Some people really like that; like they have the city more to themselves. It's true that some things close early or aren't open, but it's certainly not everything.

In general, I think Hartford gets a worse rep than it deserves. It's not my favorite city ever, but as far as being able to walk to good restaurants or occasional shows or whatever and having parks and water, it works.


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtzio3 wrote

Thank you!

How would you feel about walking in the parks around 6-7 pm? Good walking time? :)


ekcunni t1_jdva9kq wrote

Yeah, I've done that, no issues. Though technically parks close at dusk and in the winter it'd be dark by then. I think most of my after-dark walks have been more in the city itself or over to the riverfront. (Though that might also technically be closed at dusk..?)

I feel pretty comfortable with the standard "be aware of my surroundings" that I employ by default outside after dark, and haven't really felt the need to have anything more stringent like I might in bigger or more known-dangerous places.


hifumiyo1 t1_jdtaump wrote

Plenty of nice neighborhoods in Hartford itself besides downtown.


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtizd0 wrote

What neighborhoods do you like in Hartford? Where would you recommend above downtown?


hifumiyo1 t1_jdtk0pp wrote

I live in the West End though I don’t work in Hartford


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtmyeq wrote

Thanks! Lots of people recommending West End :)


hifumiyo1 t1_jdtoheg wrote

Drive around Elizabeth park. Lots of beautiful old homes. Plus apartments nearby there though, they might be technically in West Hartford.


rootswithwings t1_jdvgxla wrote

Hartford is as safe as any other urban hub. Just use common sense and you’ll be fine. It’s true it’s not super walkable, but there’s plenty of stuff to do.


soniabegonia OP t1_jdvht5e wrote

Thank you! What I've been hearing is that no place in CT is super walkable, but downtown Hartford seems like it's on the more walkable end of the spectrum ... :)


[deleted] t1_jdv409s wrote

I lived in Hartford for about 15 years before moving to Massachusetts. It has crime just like all cities. I walked around but I was armed. Downtown during the day is normally good though there has been some increase in crime downtown according to a small business owner I know downtown. Just be aware of your surroundings and you should be good. Living there I saw alot of crime , drugs , homeless but I wasn’t in the greatest part of Hartford. Trouble is definitely there just don’t go looking for it. I worked and lived in the city , and saw a lot. Not trying to scare you. Stay safe. Good luck. I feel bad for the homeless but drugs are usually a factor and mental illness. I always gave them a bottle of water.


rose-buds t1_jdvyja9 wrote

i wouldn’t move downtown, i’d move to the west end. i lived in the west end for years and loved it, and elizabeth park is right there, along with a ton of living options.


kaw027 t1_jds29qh wrote

I think you’d find more of the things you’re looking for living in the West End neighborhood, or West Hartford


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtj699 wrote

Thank you! I will be working south of Hartford so I'd have to get on 84 for a bit, and I've heard 84 is to be avoided at all costs. Is that the case? Is it worth avoiding West End because of that, or would you still recommend living in West End/West Hartford?


kaw027 t1_jdtjhrg wrote

I commuted on i84 west for a year driving from the west end. Had very few issues since going that direction in the morning and back east in the evening means you’re going against traffic


Aware_Department_657 t1_jdt5twd wrote

Head to West Hartford or Manchester (not the mall side). Walkable, safe, lots of groups for various activities .


soniabegonia OP t1_jdtj7fi wrote

Thank you! Do you recommend any particular neighborhoods?


Aware_Department_657 t1_jdvrvw7 wrote

I'm partial to the area around Highland Park Elementary/Highland Park Market/Case Mountain. Wonderful neighborhoods. Sidewalks or slow streets, nice people. Close to the highway and downtown, which has several nice restaurants, bars, and an amazing Cafe (Silk City). Part of it is on the race route (Thanksgiving Day race, like 10,000 people run).

West Hartford, off I84, exit 41 is also a nice area. Close to highway, schools, and only a mile from the square (so walkable if you drink too much).


bomgd3 t1_jds4ekl wrote

West Hartford is so much better for the things you are looking for. The west end of Hartford is also decent and much cheaper. It’s very walkable and Elizabeth Park is right there.


iSheepTouch t1_jdt17jn wrote

It's also significantly more expensive which may be a problem for OP.


bomgd3 t1_jdt5x54 wrote

Hence why I mentioned the west end


ThePiperMan t1_jdrz9id wrote

Eh, go with West Hartford if you can afford it. Downtown is cheap for a reason, that place is dangerous
