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what_mustache t1_jef6c5b wrote

As a "leftist" most of us think guns are fine for home defense and hunting. Shotguns, actual hunting rifles, well regulated and licensed handguns are fine.

Unless you're a farmer beset by coyotes, you don't need anything that fires 223/556 ammo. The military designed that platform for a very specific reason, and it's not deer hunting.


humanzRtrash t1_jefp37z wrote

>you don't need anything that fires 223/556 ammo. The military designed that platform for a very specific reason, and it's not deer hunting.

You say that as if service members haven't complained about the performance of the 223/556 since it was first implemented. It's a significant step down from the .30-06 which was used in military service for nearly 70 years.

A 233/556 is a small rifle round be comparison. But the rifle it goes in looks scary.

Edit: FYI You be better off hunting with the .30-06


what_mustache t1_jegzm8g wrote

Ek=½mv2. Note that velocity is squared. Energy delivered by a round has less to do with mass and more to do with velocity.

And of course you're better off hunting with a larger round, but 30-06 rounds are ALSO high velocity.