
what_mustache t1_jeh02vo wrote

>I've been shooting for over 40 years and I don't think I've ever seen it take anyone 10 seconds to load a new magazine. More like 2-3 seconds,

Right. I'm sure you're fast when casually shooting. But these people are not under ideal conditions, probably nervous, etc.

And don't try the "only criminals have guns". This isn't a problem in every other country that banned guns. We didn't see Canada and Australia taken over by criminals. Also, drugs are illegal...


what_mustache t1_jegzm8g wrote

Ek=½mv2. Note that velocity is squared. Energy delivered by a round has less to do with mass and more to do with velocity.

And of course you're better off hunting with a larger round, but 30-06 rounds are ALSO high velocity.


what_mustache t1_jef6c5b wrote

As a "leftist" most of us think guns are fine for home defense and hunting. Shotguns, actual hunting rifles, well regulated and licensed handguns are fine.

Unless you're a farmer beset by coyotes, you don't need anything that fires 223/556 ammo. The military designed that platform for a very specific reason, and it's not deer hunting.


what_mustache t1_jef2sym wrote

Emergency room doctors with firsthand knowledge of treating gun victims have said that the damage 223 ammo causes is far, far less treatable than what are 9mm causes. It's not that the gun is black, it's the high velocity ammunition it fires, large clips, etc. It's almost like the military knew what they were doing when they designed it.



what_mustache t1_jbp29aw wrote

What's nuts is I'm finding out that some of his real life stories are better than his pretend life stories.

Like "Remember that time I lied my way into congress", and "remember that time i was a prominent drag queen in Brazil" or now "remember that time I masterminded a ATM theft job".

Write a memoir, bro. There's GOT to be more we dont know.


what_mustache t1_jae9021 wrote

>The guys worth $10mm

Lol, do you know know how mortgages work, stupid? Let me teach you a "pro tip", you can get a mortgage to buy a home that is worth more than your current net worth.

>And no it isn't affordable for sone9ne on that salary

Biden and his wife made around 350k combined per year for decades. She's a PHD, makes around 100k per year. And again....MORTGAGES!

And they bought the beach home AFTER they made 16,596,979 on their book deal. So yeah, not only is that home affordable as a senator who isn't bad with money, it's easily affordable after his book earnings.

He also bought a place for 185,000 in the 70s and sold it in 1995 for 1.2 million after fixing it up.

His other home he bought for 350k, and then built on the land.

So serious question, are you stupid or just really, really gullible? How is it you think he's stealing billions? What is he spending it on? You literally called his 0.34 acre beach house a "compound" when I could walk the entire property in 30 seconds and look it up on Zillow. How did you get this gullible? Was it facebook?


what_mustache t1_jae0yyl wrote

Lol, the home was bought for 2.75 million in 2017. That's totally affordable for a PHD teacher and a former senator/VP. And also, we know he made money on the book because he shared his taxes.

And seriously bro, it's a compound? It's 0.34 acres. Where do you gullibles come up with this stuff? Do you just read junk on facebook and believe it? You can literally look it up on Zillow bro.


what_mustache t1_j26pf96 wrote

>Viruses don't want to kill the host,

This isn't really true. Viruses mutate to spread faster. Covid never killed a meaningful number of hosts as it is (from the perspective of spreading), and even the ones that did die can spread it for weeks before they go. This isn't a desease where you get it and die immediately and never was. Covid doesn't really care if you die or clear the virus after 14 days. Either way it's been passed on.

There really isn't any pressure for it to get less dangerous.