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Clean-Marshall t1_iz47w0u wrote

Did the whole team try actual, American moonshine before making the game?


klabater OP t1_iz48t4m wrote

The core team did, but not the whole team. We're all willing to try and that's the plan for our celebration/ Christmas team gathering ;-) Certainly, the chemist Andrzej, who committed to our knowledge, tried real moonshine many times (made in Poland). And, we've talked to several moonshiners (UK, USA) who got interested in our game about their impressions, and they found many surprisingly realistic aspects of the game. We're probably going to record two or three interviews/ articles with their input, so you can follow our channels to read them one day.


jaxpaboo t1_iz593j2 wrote

  1. How different is Poland moonshine vs USA moonshine in regards to process, ingredients, and taste?

  2. Any easter eggs?