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RiderExMachina t1_jbvx8yn wrote

I just realized the ship was completely captured in the Star Destroyer, yet somehow an escape pod from the ship managed to exit the Star Destroyer?


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_jbwlota wrote

So.... the first Star Wars movie is not good.

Its terrible by almost every metric. The only reason we remember Star Wars fondly is because of Empire.


RiderExMachina t1_jbwn40f wrote

That's disingenuous. It's remembered fondly because the effects were revolutionary at the time and it made lasting changes in modern sci-fi films.

While yes, Empire is the best of the original trilogy, it wouldn't have been released at all if A New Hope had bombed at the box office.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_jbwne0w wrote

The effects are one of the bits which were revolutionary, but seriously go back and watch it with a critical eye.

Its not a good film. If anything its a forgettable chase film which, without Empire, would have been a footnote. I'm not being flippant. It's not good.


Inthewirelain t1_jby021h wrote

Not amazing doesn't equal not good, there's levels, and alsonyou have to look at it as a whole. It's disingenuous to call something with fun and enjoyable but not groundbreaking writing with industry standard setting effects as bad, and you know it is. You don't even have to subjectively like it to see its not objectively bad. If you weren't trying to piss so many people off phrasing it how you did and were honest about its shortcomings you'd have gotten a much diff reaction here.