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SFLADC2 t1_jcu34rx wrote

My brother has a mental disability, not "strange genetics". He also is nonverbal, so it would be pretty impressive if he figured out what we gave him.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcuf7to wrote

So downs is not 3 chromosomes on the 23th pair? Do you even know what it is?


SFLADC2 t1_jcuga1j wrote

I know what it is, but it's not like he's some kind of xman mutant. There's no evidence of it changing sleep patterns.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcuw5u5 wrote

But he has strange genetics, just like I said. Nit sure why you take reality as an offense?

Also, is there research done on the sleep patterns? If not, your claim is bogus.