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t1_itmd28c wrote

There are three people from Seinfeld that were in Avengers Endgame.


t1_itmlg0m wrote

So, should every six attempts result in finding Kevin Bacon?


t1_itmlhjm wrote

"On this website, you receive lists when you put in two separate movies or shows, and the website can show you all the actors common to both."

Uhhhhh, I tried to FTFY... but gah... I nearly had a stroke.


t1_itmn401 wrote

Just don't compare any two movies that stars Adam Sandler or the site will crash.


t1_itmnzfe wrote

Enter any two sci-fi shows filmed in Canada.


t1_itmoshq wrote

Does anyone know of a music program that will do this too?

Say I want to listen to the members of the Eagles. I want a music player to play music from not only the band The Eagles, but also solo stuff from Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh... like that. Even be able to set it for 2 degrees of separation and get other bands that the members might be in, like Joe Walsh was in The James Gang, Barnstorm and Ringo Starr & His All-Star Band.

It seems possible to do this.


t1_itmql49 wrote

Nice work. Great site. If you're looking to make any additions, I'd really like to see a database where you can input two (or more) actors and see what movies they are in together.


t1_itmqzwt wrote

Deadwood and Lost is one of my favorite overlaps


t1_itmtw7y wrote

Site bugged?

No overlap between Sesame Street and Human Centipede.


t1_itmucip wrote

Halloween and Halloween ends have no shared actors?



t1_itmuk4o wrote

It doesn't work well for animated shows, when actors are listed playing multiple characters

Futurama / Adventure Time returned a 0. Liar.

Bite my shiny metal Jake.


t1_itmumsx wrote

I just tried it with Punch-Drunk Love and Uncut Gems and it returned 0 matches. Perhaps Sandler just breaks it

EDIT - seems like it just didn't search properly. It found one match on the third attempt


t1_itmurye wrote

How Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore have no one in common? Edit: okay it works now


t1_itmuum5 wrote

Didn't work for me. Compare Nightmare on Elm Street and Enter the Dragon (John Saxon).

And I tried Oceans Eleven and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Brad Pitt).

Both returned zero results.


t1_itmuxzx wrote

There might be a bug there.

I’ve tried Casino Royale (2006) and Knifes Out (2019) and it displayed 0 actors in common. It should have appeared Daniel Craig, at least.


t1_itmwe4m wrote

Holy crap I knew there was a lot of overlap between Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls but was not expecting 46 actors!


t1_itmxz1z wrote

I wish they had this with crew. I've been watching King of the Hill and I wanted to know who else went on to the Office alongside Greg Daniels, Paul Lieberstein and Brad Bird.


t1_itn2gvu wrote

Meet joe black & fight club: 0 results


t1_itn3dpl wrote

It failed for me. Glengarry Glen Ross and The Usual Suspects had zero overlap, despite Spacey’s name appearing on the poster image that the site pulls up.


t1_itn6trx wrote

I tried searching Wayne's World and Wayne's World 2, it says there's no overlap.

I question this website.


t1_itn72sd wrote

Game of Thrones and peep show. Zero matches.

Well that saddens me and surprises me. Would have expected a bit part in an episode of both that nobody remembers.


t1_itn8qib wrote

The little blurb on the left side says they came up with it when looking for Game of Thrones actors in Chernobyl, then I did that search, and came up with zero results.


t1_itnbinp wrote

So I hardly ever get to mention this, but early HBO and Law and Order have an inordinate amount of overlap.

Look up Oz and Law and Order SVU.

230 overlapping credits (per IMDB).

It's massive.


t1_itnck2c wrote

I prompted Dr Strange and Dr Strange Multiverse of madness and found 0 results lol


t1_itng8x4 wrote

apparently Avengers: Endgame and Star Trek: The Next Generation has 0 actors in common.


t1_itnnap8 wrote

Possibly. That site was down for maintenance. But the poster in front of the guy in that picture looks like it.

Spotify says "If you like this band, you should try some of these" and they play songs they think are similar to what you picked. I would like to have those suggestions the other bands these guys have been in, not based on a common sound.


t1_itnwfj5 wrote

My bet is that, if you stick to movies (so you don’t have a monster list of actors from all of the episodes), Wes Anderson will give you the highest overlap between any two that he has done.


t1_itnxqar wrote

Shows made in Toronto have so many actors in common, which makes sense. The Expanse vs Killjoys is an example.


t1_itp6biz wrote

My first search... Predator (1987) vs King of Queens (sitcom) .. 0 matches. Fun!


t1_itp6mzm wrote

A buddy of mine built something similar a while ago, but you instead search for actors and it tells you if they worked together. For the curious :


t1_itp7c5q wrote

Are any of IMDB's results actors?

The one match IMDB shows between inception and Howard the Duck is a musician and he's not shown by this tool, so it could be that this tool only shows actors


t1_itpb4nq wrote

Confirms my suspicions that Star Trek TNG scouted Hill Street Blues episodes to cast lots of its characters.


t1_itpbexy wrote

10 points to anyone who can find someone who has appeared in all three. Stargate, star wars, star trek.. This can be any series or film as long as its the real person (no animation / voiceover or video games) I want to see their face!


t1_itpfvpd wrote

There are 27 hits between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Friends


t1_itpgi14 wrote

They built a site to steal my only talent which is knowing all the actors who have been in all the law and order spin-offs and main show


t1_itptzrf wrote

Wait, so one wouldn't notice by watching the movies / shows? What is the point then? Clearly cannot have been important enough


t1_itq1d1o wrote

Make sure you wait until the murderer is about to be revealed before telling everyone that the guy behind them was also in that TV show you know the one with the girl from that advert.


t1_itq2he8 wrote

Didn't the oracle of bacon do this like at least 20 years ago?


t1_itq6j55 wrote

I just watched andor and swore I noticed 3 people that were in Chernobyl and gave up after painstakingly going through the actors for both and comparing. Turns out there are 8!


t1_itqycgs wrote

Great effort. I'm hoping I can find someone that's been in all three but as an actor. I've found one or two that have done animated series of like yours a game.. but not yet one that's appeared even if its just a small part in all!