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misplaced_my_pants t1_iuxudj7 wrote

Ah I see that's definitely a tricky place to be.

You might want to reach out to the folks at Barbell Medicine.

They're a group of mostly medical professionals like doctors and physical therapists who are also elite or advanced strength athletes, so they might be able to work with you on your specific issues to find a way to improve your bone density and strength in a way that doesn't cause pain.


drugsr4lozers t1_iuvx4ss wrote

Can you restate it?


ainosleep t1_iuwxrln wrote

> I've been doing some resistance training for some years since I was diagnosed. Although I felt good after exercise i.e. w.r.t pain reduction it doesn't seem to help with my bone density i.e. If I don't take the bi-phosphate injection for a year; My density drops further even when I didn't change the exercise routine.

> Lately, The pain from exercise itself is becoming greater than the pain from not doing it. So I have dropped couple of routines like weight lifting from my exercise, My next BMD data would probably tell how it has affected my density.