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gbraide t1_iuvfbjo wrote

Thank you. I actually broke the femur neck during the run. I was in a bit of pain, but you learn to run with the odd bit of discomfort so for whatever reason managed to drag myself around the remaining 6 miles of the course. I think that was later diagnosed as pure stupidity. About an hour after finishing I was unable to support myself so I had to go to hospital. Despite all of this I was adament that it was a muscular problem because surely you can't walk after breaking a femur. How is your running going now?


AndrewFGleich t1_ivfbm8y wrote

I'll be honest, I can't stand running, I've never found it particularly enjoyable and even at marathon levels, every mile is tiring. I haven't run since completing my bucket list item this spring and have been swimming instead. To the people that enjoy the activity,good for them, but it just isn't for me.