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air-hug-me t1_iuwy5x2 wrote

Hi! This is really cool. Kudos for taking control back when osteoporosis seems to take a lot of it.

My husband passed away six weeks ago. Surprisingly not from his bones but another reason altogether. But he averaged a break a year. Some more catastrophic to our life than others. His began at 30. We started seeing a specialist in Dallas at a bone and mineral clinic and he had the markers for osteogenisis imperfects (brittle bone disease) which is genetic when the entire time he had been diagnosed with osteoporosis. One of the major signs was his sclera (whites of the eye) had a faint blue tint to them. He was all set for genetic testing right before he passed away. Figured I would mention in case your sclera might be slightly tinted. In this case the bones do not use collagen appropriately causing the brittle and breaks.


Abishek_Muthian OP t1_iux79ze wrote

I'm sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing the story of your husband's ailment.

I haven't noticed blue tint in my sclera and I usually check my eyes quite regularly. But I do suspect some underlying genetic disease as a cause for my Osteoporosis other than my existing disabilities (Achondroplasia). I'm planning to get a genetic test as well.

The real MVP in this thread are people like you sharing the stories of their ailments or that of their loved ones. This will give necessary direction to many people for years to come.