Submitted by ReadPoopFiction t3_zrrhty in InternetIsBeautiful
unclejarjarbinks t1_j14clfj wrote
I got Seyntamownde. How the hell am I gonna yell that if he runs off?
chanrahan1 t1_j14du8y wrote
Bonere! Bonere! Here boy!
SheepDip82 t1_j14fxmc wrote
Nope. Not shouting that in the park.
Sufficient_Ad_9045 t1_j14fz4d wrote
"Sir Humps all dawgs" will be his medieval name if I had a dog.
urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j14j3n6 wrote
Lovell our dogge or king bark
WVildandWVonderful t1_j14mthh wrote
“But that’s what you call Uncle Richard!”
— kid in Beethoven
WVildandWVonderful t1_j14n0iu wrote
Busterlimes t1_j14se9i wrote
I named my dog Hodor 7 years ago
koolaideprived t1_j14zzez wrote
Khelthuzaad t1_j151mdf wrote
cnewman11 t1_j154786 wrote
This made me lol for real.
nephylsmythe t1_j156p8p wrote
But did you see “Negir”?
nolotusnote t1_j158s88 wrote
________________me t1_j15dijd wrote
"Enmye" then?
jesstifer t1_j15fkxa wrote
A former friend had a neighbor with a cat named "Knickers" that tended to wander off. He'd often be out on his front porch hollering "Knickers! KNICKERS!!"
neoncleric t1_j15gnzg wrote
“Beste-Of-All” I basically already call him that tho
twistedturns t1_j15hrd3 wrote
Wazootyman13 t1_j15j0fv wrote
Hmmmm, my dog's name is Guffman and his full name is Sir Guffman Puppen.
Which, seems more apt than the ones the generator spawned
LastLivingSouls t1_j15je4t wrote
Neverforgetdumbo t1_j15larr wrote
‘Blamer’. It doesn’t know how accurate it is.
popejubal t1_j15lkgx wrote
ImRunningAmok t1_j15lruv wrote
Are these going to be next hot baby names??
FrankTankly t1_j15ohc2 wrote
“Gygge” lol, sure, why not?
lizzie1hoops t1_j15oi5b wrote
How are we pronouncing Nymhiswed?
mbp_szigeti t1_j15qqt1 wrote
He's already called Lord Anton Fluffenburg. Snack bearers may call him Fluffy
fnord_bronco t1_j15qrgp wrote
I gave my dog a Roman emperor name: Tiberius Claudius Dumbass.
Aircoll t1_j15r9nm wrote
Tulley Mulley is surprisingly a cute name
ElementalWheel t1_j15sep7 wrote
I literally got “names”.
Pwffyne was another one….
ArthursFist t1_j15t4f4 wrote
Is Fenton ill? He’s been throwing up.
DirtyD_InTheMorning t1_j15w0or wrote
My dogs name is already Reginald. Isn't that good enough
Cashewkaas t1_j15w8j6 wrote
I love this video. Sometimes we call our dog Fenton because of this video (in my language (Dutch) ‘ventje’ means little guy and it kind of sounds alike).
musiconthemoon t1_j15zsl2 wrote
diesSaturni t1_j1617ot wrote
Baldrick, otherwise Turnip is also acceptable
Organic-Idiocy t1_j162wqk wrote
Moulde on ye rye
kiawithaT t1_j164rfp wrote
I'm going to choose to read this as 'daisy beard' and depending on the dog, I'd consider it.
badnewsbets t1_j16a0ez wrote
Whew, I got “Dere-ybowgt”
Good girl Dere-ybowgt!! 🥴
fitty50two2 t1_j16a4in wrote
I got Feris, I could say “Bueller….Bueller” when he doesn’t listen
wizwort t1_j16f06f wrote
I shit you not I got Monke
metastasized t1_j16feev wrote
My favorite was “Thought”
Ruehtheday t1_j16fjcz wrote
Old spelling of kinsman
deaznutelanutz t1_j16i88v wrote
Doctor3ZZZ t1_j16j521 wrote
I wonder if he’s a distant cousin to my pooch H. Wagglebottom?
mexican-casserole t1_j16ol4u wrote
Terry lol
The only Terry I can think of seems like a great person so I'm cool with it.
lala6633 t1_j16q03m wrote
Sir Walt Wagger
Almightyriver t1_j172aob wrote
Dutcheman feels racially motivated..
8Bells t1_j172gvw wrote
Sparenot and Amyable (like amiable? I guess?)
.... Rex was probably more of a people name back then.
SchwiftyMpls t1_j1774wv wrote
SchwiftyMpls t1_j1778b9 wrote
SirThatsCuba t1_j178ex2 wrote
Farticus isn't on the list, is it?
iaintlyon t1_j179iv3 wrote
Wype! Come! Don’t you “but” me Wype!
bacchusku2 t1_j17j9ni wrote
Doglas like Douglas.
Travellingjake t1_j17sebv wrote
_sLLiK t1_j17vibp wrote
Soft-coated Wheaton Terrier, actually. :)
[deleted] t1_j18u6cx wrote
Aceandstuff t1_j195eyd wrote
One of the first ones was "Boye". Not much has changed!
GiraffeyManatee t1_j1pvd2z wrote
Solace and Muskette are an odd pair, rather like my dogs.
frizzled_sm t1_j1ra1kf wrote
not one for cat man? :(
dWog-of-man t1_j14axuy wrote
I got one that said “Rude-ynowgh”. Wtf