0011110000110011 t1_j1ltg6g wrote
StumbleUpon was how I first found reddit! I'll definitely check this out.
Ankleson t1_j1ltmn6 wrote
I loved StumbleUpon. When I was a kid I used to just press that 'Stumble!' bookmark for days to find cool stuff on the internet back when everybody had their own quirky website and nothing was fully centralized. I miss that old internet feeling.
J4MEJ t1_j1lztia wrote
Needs a porn category
I selected "other" and ended up on Pokémon
J4MEJ t1_j1lzu3o wrote
My thoughts exactly
Damaso87 t1_j1m0zme wrote
Is anything fully centralized even now? Or is that reddit for you?
Lol so many downvotes for asking a question on Christmas.
Parthitis t1_j1m1q36 wrote
Quick someone make a pornhiker lol
1337Theory t1_j1m2vlf wrote
The obvious answer to your first question is yes. Really, really, really obvious.
FatPigeons t1_j1m3bvv wrote
The only thing I don't like is that I'm either stupid and can't find it, or it's difficult to change you criteria later, at least on mobile. Still fun
rubinass3 t1_j1m47eb wrote
I have no idea why stumble upon changed its model.
theKovah OP t1_j1m4m4y wrote
At the moment, you can change your categories only when signed in, or when switching to a private browser session.
Ajreil t1_j1m54h7 wrote
Reddit replaced the hundreds of forums we used to have. 90% of online human interaction happens on 5 social media sites. Amazon replaced every manufacturer having their own shipping service. Local news sites are dead.
Edit: Google has replaced or purchased Flickr, Map Quest, Yahoo, UTube, and Motorola Droid. To a lesser extent Microsoft Office, Dropbox, shopping directly on websites, and the news.
Smarty-Pants65 t1_j1m65pp wrote
I loved stumble upon and I absolutely hate how they transitioned to the mix. Then they made the mix ONLY for mobile devices. This site is scratching the itch but has some way to go.
kraang t1_j1m6fdx wrote
Probably low revenue compared to cost, with declining returns. Lots of that due to reasons other people talked about here like centralization.
BradStorch t1_j1m7mv3 wrote
brownie_23 t1_j1m98zh wrote
i'm guessing you clear your cookies for that site
Damaso87 t1_j1maiko wrote
My comment was meant to stimulate discussion around what non Redditors user to centralize content...but ok. Merry Christmas.
NatureAndArtifice t1_j1mbisd wrote
Tried it, but can't reset categories
NeonWaterBeast t1_j1mdwh8 wrote
And now you’re using Reddit to discover this!
Life is a beautiful circle
anon89374 t1_j1mdzk2 wrote
People seem to forget something like 30% of web traffic is for porn and they all pretend not to want it. Also, StumbleUpon used to be great for porn, so the comment is relevant.
NeonWaterBeast t1_j1me4ct wrote
Sites make money from ads. StumbleUpon was having trouble selling ads (and thus being profitable)
Source: work in advertising and used StumbleUpon for clients back in the day. Was fantastic for some campaigns, but they struggled to get the targeting right and value for clients, or enough traction to be profitable.
CliffordThRed t1_j1mejg6 wrote
That's cool AF, thanks and happy Xmas
BeatlesTypeBeat t1_j1mevh0 wrote
That wasn't clear at all
just_brazilian t1_j1mevnn wrote
Just open a new Private Window in your browser.
Gamaxray t1_j1mfcyn wrote
There's a subreddit, r/cloudhiker.
o2000 t1_j1mg00k wrote
Stumbleupon was like the golden age of the internet.
J4MEJ t1_j1mi08r wrote
God know what all the down-votes are for...
I guess a lot of people didn't get the Christmas gifts they were hoping for.
Damaso87 t1_j1mir1j wrote
It's a shame, since forums are far superior to this format we have now, which seems to be designed to push ads
Ajreil t1_j1mizmi wrote
Reddit's upvote system is much better than forums. They essentially had /new and top/all-time as sorting options.
Algorithmic feeds are a war crime.
Damaso87 t1_j1mjejf wrote
Does an upvote system need to exist though? There wasnt* need for that in a discussion based forum with actual moderators. It wasn't a slam dunking karma game.
Ajreil t1_j1mjmx7 wrote
Upvotes are good. Karma was a mistake.
hatuhsawl t1_j1mjyyy wrote
I’m autistic as shit, which I only bring up to say that I have a hard time parsing tone over text, so I always lean in to giving the benefit of the doubt by default when I’m unsure of tone, but I am an outlier because its something I am cognizant about.
I’d wager most people just go to their cold reads and vote accordingly unfortunately.
And in my experience of having my comments misconstrued on Reddit, as cathartic as it is to be snarky and passive aggressive when that happens, that has only garnered me even more downvotes to express my frustration in that way.
I’m not saying you should do anything, just sharing my relevant knowledge for you to make a more informed decision 👍🏻
May our next meeting be on warmer sands, my friend
dgtlfnk t1_j1mk1go wrote
Use the Apollo app. Zero ads.
Damaso87 t1_j1mkdn4 wrote
Thanks for the concern. I have more karma than a few seasonal downvotes can affect - but it is curious to see the tide changing here
theKovah OP t1_j1mkfzj wrote
I would love to hear some feedback and ideas. Always looking for ways to improve the site. :)
Damaso87 t1_j1mkoma wrote
Ads are far more insidiously injected than you suspect. Probably half the content on reddit is paid for and run by bots.
trashtierhumanbeing t1_j1mkujy wrote
mFs will use the downvote button to signal false moral superiority and then go legit ruin someone's real day or something
dgtlfnk t1_j1mkzn1 wrote
Oh, well yeah. I just meant actual ads. But you’re right. Gotta just read shit on Reddit and move on. No purchases should be influenced by something you saw on Reddit. Unless you’re in a conversation with someone extensively and specifically about something, by which you might expect it’s a legit human. Lol.
theKovah OP t1_j1mlu2q wrote
Oh yes! Around 2005 to 2010 was the peak of the Internet.
DoorAndRat t1_j1mp6pe wrote
I had a playlist on 8tracks blow up because of stumbleupon and I became one of the top users, which led to me meeting a friend on the site that I'm still friends with today!
[deleted] t1_j1mpbug wrote
ColoneISanders t1_j1mpw82 wrote
Ok, like I sympathize with you because I've been there, making an innocuous comment/question that gets downvoted to oblivion because I'm not always quick on the uptake.
BUT, constantly referring to the fact that it's Christmas in every comment inferring... What that people downvoting you must be scrooges or heathens or something? seems kinda...cringy and desperate.
[deleted] t1_j1mrbzo wrote
Damaso87 t1_j1mrzgo wrote
Yeah dude. I expected better from /r/InternetIsBeautiful. Is that an odd expectation?
Smarty-Pants65 t1_j1mv4vb wrote
I mean stumble upon just had years of learning and adapting it’s algorithms im sure. A lot of the time when I use this site I have the pop up saying “this site can’t be viewed unless you click here for the full site” which is odd.
carefreeguru t1_j1mvt57 wrote
>everybody had their own quirky website and nothing was fully centralized. I miss that old internet feeling.
The Internet was so great back then. I miss it too.
Warcrea t1_j1mvzvn wrote
I found 8tracks from stumbleupon, then as a result discovered some music that completely redefined what I like to listen to. Crazy to think about how different my tastes would still be without that silly site and pure chance
Birdhawk t1_j1mxx0x wrote
It was amazing. Especially earlier on before it got cluttered with crap sites/spam
mrcaptncrunch t1_j1myc4n wrote
Is it a cookie?, localstorage?
Im2oldForthisShitt t1_j1mynph wrote
When Digg made a bad update I hopped on over.
DrHandBanana t1_j1n08sb wrote
Stumbleupon was my favorite
Aaron215 t1_j1n1o3a wrote
On mobile when I go to a site that Cloudhiker can't display directly, I have no way to go back and favourite the site on my account. Finding a way to do that without going into history to do it would be helpful.
theKovah OP t1_j1n6p80 wrote
Technically it would be enough to delete your cookies.
mrcaptncrunch t1_j1n6rb4 wrote
Just want to try different things!
theKovah OP t1_j1n71n7 wrote
Sadly, this is just a security measurement that both browsers and websites must or can enforce.
For example, you can’t embed any http website if https is enabled. Additionally, websites can tell browsers that they don’t want to be embedded anywhere.
BitCrack t1_j1na4ik wrote
I forgot about stumble! was good too.
flowerynight t1_j1nd3ey wrote
I’d say a little earlier than that.
SpeedAtNight t1_j1niodi wrote
You're probably gonna have a lot of hits for that StumbleUpon nostalgia, but sadly the internet isn't what it was back then so I imagine the results can be a bit more generic or like you say, have security requirements requiring a direct load on the site.
Best of luck, I'd recommend you find some feature or concept that entices people to keep using your service. Nostalgia is great and all, but people get bored quickly.
Might be worth putting in a toggle option to ignore sites that won't render on your website directly. Not sure how you'd do it, but I imagine you could make it seamless to the user and if the page throws a security error just move to the next site to display.
windzyy t1_j1nkdr2 wrote
neocities reminds me of that old internet feeling… every site there is so unique and endearing
jaccerz83 t1_j1nkoc4 wrote
do what SU did and did well. Do not become what SU became at the end. (If this makes sense)
I spent many hours on SU going thru random websites and I actually was thinking about how i missed SU last week, when i had that bored of playing games feeling.
theKovah OP t1_j1nkrot wrote
Thank you for your honest feedback. I agree that the internet is definitely something else today. Fortunately, there is no need to "grow" or keep anyone on the site by all means. I just hope that people enjoy the site and remember it every now and then.
>Might be worth putting in a toggle option to ignore sites that won't render on your website directly.
You can do than when signed in, with the "Hide Sites that can't be displayed directly" option in your account settings. Probably something that can be made mode visible.
theKovah OP t1_j1nl8nz wrote
You can browse a lot of the old Geocities websites on A lot of nostalgia there.
BeatitLikeitowesMe t1_j1nlom9 wrote
The transition from web 1 to web2.0 was jarring. At least as we transfer onto web3 it will help bring things back to defi roots.
Webs101 t1_j1nnb79 wrote
Does anybody remember Netsurfer Digest?
stephen_1975 t1_j1nqg6w wrote
My initial feedback after my first five minutes checking this out: a huge amount of sites I get only display this. Overall, all the sites it "stumbles upon" seem to have a very strong bias towards STEM topics, history, etc.
Nothing wrong with that at all in my opinion either, but many tend to be at a level that might require quite a bit of familiarity and/or studies that could be daunting for Joe Blow to even get why they are interesting or neat. Maybe the focus could be broadened somewhat, perhaps with a feature allowing me to select some baseline topics I'm interested in first, tech, video games, etc. As it is now, it doesn't feel particularly 'random' and many of the links aren't super 'casual' on first glance. Funnily enough, many of the sites that don't allow Cloudhiker here are really only where I'm seeing the quirkier stuff.
I'm not a programmer type, sorry if I can't really explain it more coherently than that. :)
ballast69 t1_j1nqw7r wrote
2.99 a month. No thanks
[deleted] t1_j1nsp63 wrote
cpm67 t1_j1nu183 wrote
Stumbleupon for browsing, thesixtyone for music
miss_kimba t1_j1nwlpx wrote
Oh no. I don’t go near those things, reminds me of being a 90’s baby and stumbling on horrific images in computer class.
windzyy t1_j1nwxum wrote
I didn’t even know that was a thing! thats AWESOME
almostadaddy t1_j1nxcmr wrote
Centralization is what has allowed evil people to censor what folks say online.
ThroawayPartyer t1_j1nxi2i wrote
Aren't you contradicting yourself? Reddit karma is what drives its algorithmic feed.
ZellZoy t1_j1nxkel wrote
I don't mind Reddit replacing forums. What I hate is discord replacing forums. Discord is well and good as an AIM replacement but using it for forums, like games used to have, sucks.
warjoke t1_j1nxsv3 wrote
Nothing can bring back the fun if good ol' StumbleUpon because the internet is pretty centralized right now and people are more inclined to make social media pages rather than making creative websites.
Tauvik t1_j1nykyw wrote
Woah, didn’t know that! Thanks!
Ajreil t1_j1o0hic wrote
Using upvotes to sort the /hot feed is a helpful. The most popular posts rise to the top.
Having those upvotes reflected on your profile encourages the more obnoxious posts. That part is what I mean by karma.
Reddit's feed is handled by a simple algorithm. It doesn't use machine learning to guess what you personally would like.
chevymonza t1_j1o9nfy wrote
Well this got me off Reddit for about an hour, nice!
isblueacolor t1_j1oeubg wrote
I don't know if it's sad that I've already seen many of these sites, or if that's to do with how the sites are populated/weighted.
vintage2019 t1_j1ofalu wrote
When the internet was mom n pop stores. Social media has turned it into big box stores
androgynee t1_j1olabq wrote
minus the abundant NSFL content
tianas_knife t1_j1om7ns wrote
FUCK I miss stumbleupon.
TheRidgeAndTheLadder t1_j1omo2g wrote
We're gonna bring it back.
The web is broken
viperex t1_j1onc83 wrote
Now everything is behind a paywall or a signup wall
ctbitcoin t1_j1owspo wrote
Next, someone make a StumbleReddit app.
Round and round we go!
1justathrowaway2 t1_j1oydcx wrote
With all the super easy web building tools and CMS systems I'm not sure why this isn't a thing again. Especially with how advanced social media is. You could easily have an interface to change a ton of settings and make your fb or insta look a specific way, play annoying ass music, and all kinds of shit.
odelay42 t1_j1oydot wrote
Unwillingness to pay for services has built the ad economy, which I personally think is an enormous travesty.
get_the_reference_ t1_j1oywho wrote
When I use Cloudhiker from my browser on PC, I sometimes "overclick" and end up jumping past something that I realize too late is of interest. Unfortunately, I can't go back, and my browser does not record my visit in the browser history, so the site is forever lost to me. Perhaps there is a Cloudhiker history list that could help, but I haven't gone much deeper than clicking the Stumble button so far. I used SU several years ago and really enjoyed it. The privacy issues that make it necessary to click through to many sites makes this a clunkier alternative to the original, but I still like it and would use it more often if there was a way to "go back." Thanks for the clicks!
17laxbro t1_j1p0u6h wrote
Honestly. A NSFW version of the site would be cool.
gigashadowwolf t1_j1p24we wrote
I used to love reddit when it was more like this too.
2008-2012 reddit was amazing.
Right around 2011 is when it first started getting too hivemindy, not in the fun way where people have the same thoughts but where ideas and ideals started getting so aligned that people with simply different opinions were being downvoted to the point of oblivion.
2016 is when this got kicked into high gear.
2020 is when reddit effectively died.
I'm not sure why I am still here at this point, except that the alternatives all suck too.
TwoDamnedHi t1_j1p2g91 wrote
Your timeline is very accurate
Slinkwyde t1_j1p60u5 wrote
Boy, oh boy! The information superhighway! Time to explore! I wonder what I'll find?
"We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I..."
Slinkwyde t1_j1p76hj wrote
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Slinkwyde t1_j1p7aal wrote
/r/random loads a random subreddit.
[deleted] t1_j1pcvnt wrote
quisatz_haderah t1_j1pgm5b wrote
I think it is because most people online were tech savvy up to some point, and they were able to and want to put up websites. These days you need to sift through bunch of normies swarming on twitter and other places to get a connection.
_methuselah_ t1_j1pj7t2 wrote
Social Fixer & F.B. Purity are two extensions that can do that for FB to a certain extent.
hellions123 t1_j1pnyyf wrote
Yes! I miss StumbleUpon
righthandofdog t1_j1prhqz wrote
After a little clicking around, it looks like a lot of teens are trying to bring that back.
sonicjesus t1_j1pz8my wrote
I'm still pissed SU went down. Everyone I knew was trading sites back and forth.
saltpot3816 t1_j1q1m1t wrote
I know this is a whole other project, but could do do this as a standalone app, essentially a custom built web browser (eg based on chromium)? Or maybe for desktop, could build as a chrome extension, and a mobile app?
OpportunityKnown2 t1_j1rtrat wrote
They finally did it 😭
windzyy t1_j217fad wrote
i WISH that was the standard. it’s actually kind of hard to get webpages to play music right off the bat now. i tried to do it with a site i made on github pages and i think chrome was blocking it — something about webpages suddenly blaring music being shocking to users (which i get but… still)
it seems like everything is kind of standardized to look and sound appealing and unobtrusive to everyone
BGPhilbin t1_j2cbvfz wrote
Thank you for mentioning this website. I've been looking for a site that would do something similar to StumbleUpon for ages. Nice to see one put into practice!
The_Dimestore_Saints t1_j1ls063 wrote
No porn? Is it even worth it then?