I was so shocked I nearly fell out of the trolley.
B-WesT84 t1_jeap9ri wrote
I think this might be the best comment i've ever read.
zerok_nyc t1_jedey9l wrote
Yeah, he really should stand up for himself.
Ok-Bluebird6874 t1_jedfrx7 wrote
this was good too
UndeadRaiderX t1_jeeneml wrote
And make the wife sit down with her insults
LosPadres-R2-D2 t1_jeb0lln wrote
The real joke!!
gandhishrugged t1_jec4w13 wrote
Fine, I will get down and walk I suppose.
dillpickle46 t1_jecjgg1 wrote
thuanjinkee t1_jed5fqv wrote
zerok_nyc t1_jedf1jh wrote
[deleted] t1_jeerkri wrote
[deleted] t1_jegpl48 wrote
Much_Review_804 t1_jee0nh9 wrote
Yea he should get out of the trolley and walk like a grown ass man lol
[deleted] t1_jeeah6r wrote
According-End-60 t1_jefjx49 wrote
[deleted] t1_jefkgcu wrote
Waitsfornoone t1_jea61xq wrote
Why do we feel a need to call people out for being lazy? It's not like they did anything.
vanish32 t1_jebhdt7 wrote
The real joke is always in the comments
1_Shanel t1_jecdi4o wrote
Seriously. I live for the comments
Quiet-Doughnut2192 t1_jef8603 wrote
90% of the humor comes from the comments… I’m constantly astonished at the wit and delivery of the Reddit community. #highthumbsallaround
Dawn_sea t1_jed03ki wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeale9 wrote
1_Shanel t1_jef6y8j wrote
That’s all? 2400? Rude
Rosieapples t1_jedwgq9 wrote
You win!
[deleted] t1_jeeakxg wrote
Waitsfornoone t1_jeeo1fw wrote
raljax1 t1_jebhlg9 wrote
My wife would never call me lazy. She knows I'm not afraid of hard work. I can sit right next to it all day without being bothered in the least.
Kyonkanno t1_jec2rd6 wrote
Is hard work in room right now?
Prestigious-Bee-6624 t1_jedsjqw wrote
Ben716 t1_jed26pl wrote
My wife accused me of being out of touch with reality.
I was so shocked, I nearly fell off my unicorn.
Cattalion t1_jedscip wrote
OK. I think this is my new favourite joke. I thank you sincerely for bringing this to my attention.
Ben716 t1_jeelws9 wrote
My pleasure ☺️
[deleted] t1_jeeamry wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeauz6 wrote
[deleted] t1_jeeanfy wrote
[deleted] t1_jeelr2n wrote
robitj11 t1_jeafpu5 wrote
In the Southeastern US, it's called a buggy. Sorry, that was bugging me.
SqueakMachine t1_jean0c7 wrote
What like a shopping cart is called a buggy? My dad is from north of England and calls my kid’s pushchair (which we call buggy) a trolley which I’ve never understood
Haunted_Redneck t1_jeawj5c wrote
Pushchair??? They’re called Strollers here
robitj11 t1_jeb9bcd wrote
Yes, in the Southern US, a shopping cart is a buggy. I grew up in New York and we just called them carts.
dre235 t1_jec9y69 wrote
Born and raised in the south... Only ever called them carts.
Am I a New Yorker?
Hellefiedboy t1_jecgkeb wrote
I was born and raised in Canada, and we call them carts, sometimes shopping carts.
JackTheSnack19 t1_jecvnko wrote
This is the way
LittleSociety5047 t1_jeewbzf wrote
Shopping Carts in Canada. But we are aware of countries outside our own so we are not confused if someone uses “buggy” or “trolley”
Hellefiedboy t1_jef012b wrote
Okay, fine, where I live in Canada.
berkyl_ t1_jeedclb wrote
Born and raised in Switzerland and we call them Einkaufswagen
Hellefiedboy t1_jeen1yt wrote
Shush with your Einkaufswagen ( I think that means something about vehicle). What does it mean, though?
berkyl_ t1_jeengxq wrote
It means shopping cart/trolley, sorry that translation isn‘t that spectacular
Hellefiedboy t1_jeep4gi wrote
It's a fine translation, I just know the word "wagen" is normally something to do with vehicle, so it's fine idk I lost my train of thought.
berkyl_ t1_jeeprgo wrote
„Wagen“ is slur for car, yes. Otherwise it‘s „Auto“ (short for „Automobil“)
Hellefiedboy t1_jeeqis6 wrote
Calling cars a slur is not something I thought I would ever be able to do in my lifetime.
berkyl_ t1_jeexn9v wrote
Maybe I spelled it wrong, what I meant is: „Wagen“ is disparaging for „car“.
Hellefiedboy t1_jef077s wrote
It's pretty much the same thing as a slur, in english, that is.
Alswel t1_jed6oou wrote
Yeah what in the living fuck am I reading I feel like I'm going crazy I've never heard any term other than cart
Lived in TX most of my life now I'm in TN which is just like Northern Southern US
A buggy is like a dune buggy, and a trolly is a monorail or something maybe?
ARobertNotABob t1_jeavz3e wrote
I've heard "tot-trolley" before, but not as a "real word" in a dialect/region, more in a "bra = over-shoulder-boulder-holder" vein.
doughboy1001 t1_jebnwis wrote
I thought trolley was a British or maybe Australian term. I know Peppa Pig says trolley.
Moist_Bite_2860 t1_jecfbdf wrote
Definitely "trolley" in Australia. Only heard other names on the "telly".
chickenstocking t1_jedoajq wrote
Yup. Same in England
Few-Kaleidoscope8394 t1_jefshl3 wrote
Nah they’re called prams here in the uk 😂
E420CDI t1_jeci7bt wrote
He's bagsied it for when he gets trollied
Ben716 t1_jed2cw8 wrote
Here in Denmark it's an inkøbsvogn
In shopping wagon- directly translated
SnooLentils3803 t1_jecsfeu wrote
"A shopping cart (American English), trolley (British English, Australian English), or buggy (Southern American English, Appalachian English), also known by a variety of other names, is a wheeled cart supplied by a shop or store." From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopping_cart I call it "Buggy," but I'm from Oklahoma...where the shopping cart was invented. 😁
SionGest OP t1_jebq9nj wrote
Never heard that before. Forgive my Englishness 😀
GleemonexForPets t1_jedy6pe wrote
I've only ever heard it referred to as a shopping cart. Was wondering how trains entered into it
Regardless, your country has given us William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, the Beatles and Olivia Colman. You need no forgiveness.
CantReadDuneRunes t1_jedcerd wrote
Who the fuck cares? The rest of the World is not America.
robitj11 t1_jeele15 wrote
Well, aren't you a joy to work with today?
LittleSociety5047 t1_jeexb2v wrote
We are well aware we are not America. And very happy about it.
AdventurousString719 t1_jebwnjl wrote
"If you've asked me to do something, just know that it will be done. You don't have to keep reminding me every 6 months!!"
- Lazy husband
Tornagh t1_jeb6svb wrote
Whose wife?
Fun-Assumption-2200 t1_jebcvxf wrote
our wife
SadShelter5629 t1_jebfvdk wrote
Hellefiedboy t1_jecgf2c wrote
E420CDI t1_jecihtp wrote
This guy's dead wife
cubbieco t1_jecd8bj wrote
I hate fake nsfw comments just so we have to click into the stupid article to read the punchline.
Lazaruzo t1_je9u8yh wrote
southpaw1235 t1_jecegdl wrote
Wow just because you asked her to feed you grapes go figure
ruslus86 t1_jebr3oc wrote
And that's how I divorced your mom for always being there for her.
thiswickedstoner t1_jeba4oa wrote
rascible t1_jebsix9 wrote
My wife says that all the time. Spoiler, I am a lazy bastard.
xYouAgainx t1_jec2a2f wrote
I'm rolling with 'electric cart' instead of trolley. But take my upvote.
Simpawknits t1_jecrv2g wrote
Suougibma t1_jed284q wrote
Grocery cart
CantReadDuneRunes t1_jedc6hx wrote
Yeah, it's like a thing with wheels that you use to carry small amounts of goods. Commonly found in supermarkets.
mbryant869 t1_jec7d4h wrote
Why would you call a grocery cart a trolley? Trolleys carry people. A cart can carry anything. A buggy is southern slang but what we called it in Mississippi. Which is not accurate at all. But trolley is dumb. So is calling a truck a lorry. Wtf?
jet_heller t1_jeclt7g wrote
You should hear what they call cigarettes!
[deleted] t1_jecqc30 wrote
za_jx t1_jedbjne wrote
Well the British kinda invented English so...
CantReadDuneRunes t1_jedcaad wrote
Why the fuck would you assume the rest of the World is just like America? An how do you fuck up a language so badly by simply moving across the Atlantic Ocean?
HandsOnGeek t1_jedky4f wrote
Why would you assume that the rest of the world is just like England?
America tends to speak English the way that it was invented. Instead of fucking it up without even the excuse of moving across the Atlantic Ocean.
Seriously. American English tends to use Georgian or even pre-Georgian vocabulary instead of adopting the latest fashionable Victorian or Edwardian terminology.
[deleted] t1_jecaork wrote
[deleted] t1_jecjdrt wrote
[deleted] t1_jecrjw1 wrote
Defdave t1_jed3pvn wrote
This immediately made me think of The Jerky Boys' Lawnmower Salesman prank call:
"You is a lazy bastard, ain't you? You're just lookin' to get out the easy way. Well, I got them pushin' kinds." Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBx0W8nEksQ
Ok-Bluebird6874 t1_jedfqmv wrote
[deleted] t1_jedjdgu wrote
I’d have walked out of the store and left her to shop alone. There’s no way I’d ever accept that behaviour. Oh, my payment cards would have gone with me lol.
Bluebladexd t1_jedjj1f wrote
It reminds me of another joke A husband and wife are shopping in their local grocery store. The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in the cart.
"What do you think you're doing?" asks the wife.
"They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans" he replies.
"Put them back, we can't afford them", demands the wife.
They carry on with their shopping. A few aisles farther on, the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.
"What do you think you're doing?" asks the husband.
"It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful," replies the wife.
Her husband retorts, "So does 24 cans of Budweiser and it's half the price."
Glad4231 t1_jedjrb5 wrote
lol She could be talking about someone else
[deleted] t1_jedmw5m wrote
Sedrjqla t1_jedo0mo wrote
Lol, what the, idk, just made me laugh out loud for awhile…
[deleted] t1_jedolrh wrote
Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_jedoycx wrote
I’ve never seen a trolley in a supermarket. The thought of it didn’t seem funny.
2geeks t1_jedp6xb wrote
I didn’t ever get fox but I was offered a job as an apprentice miniatures-builder on the show, back in the mid-late 00’s (for what would have been “Back To Earth”. Unfortunately, due to declining health (I’m now completely housebound and have cognitive issues, meaning I can’t work very often at all), I had to turn down the role.
I know it’s not the same. I’ve just always been quite proud that they offered me work on one of my favourite shows and I figured it sort of fit.
[deleted] t1_jedprkd wrote
tbone2791 t1_jedpwuk wrote
Am I the only one that heard the wife’s voice in a deep Gaelic accent ??
Nikki_Blonde t1_jedqaku wrote
When she doesn't find the pack of chips that she had been dying to buy this week.
avatarCollector123 t1_jedr6i9 wrote
I am so lazy i just sent my wife alone
Glass_Possibility_21 t1_jedreuh wrote
Seems like you are married for a long time.
ImranKhan10107 t1_jedrm1o wrote
Reddit finally worth it
shane94116 t1_jeds4x3 wrote
Did you say, “Takes one to know one and that’s why we are match made it heaven?”
[deleted] t1_jedtzls wrote
[deleted] t1_jedw51q wrote
margarittequila t1_jedwrqg wrote
Yes shame on you! Riding the trolley while she pushes ??? Hahahaha yes you are such a lazyb
Ok_Platypus8587 t1_jee7zcj wrote
He really should stand up for himself.
no_active_ingedient t1_jee8mv4 wrote
you weren't leaning into the corners were you OP?
Dunners181 t1_jeebo07 wrote
Some would say he is special
foxthatroxx t1_jeeu7le wrote
[deleted] t1_jeex209 wrote
[deleted] t1_jeex2f5 wrote
Quiet-Doughnut2192 t1_jef7z33 wrote
WTF is a “trolley”? #itscalledashoppingcart
Big-End-9824 t1_jefvk6g wrote
I went to the supermarket for my lunch and got a sandwich and a packet of crisps. The young girl at the checkout said:”would you like to go for a drink”? I was so shocked I said: “young lady I’m old enough to be your father “. She said: “the drink is part of the meal deal”.
CoinedIn2020 t1_jefwiut wrote
A lot of women seem to be having Karen moments.
Wiseowl_1-1 t1_jeg93dl wrote
Somehow men became more stupid than before. The least thing you can do ask yourself why did she do that why r you asking us
TotalServe1138 t1_jegar5j wrote
I woulnt take that shit
Brygg69 t1_jegebzs wrote
I’m tired of people pushing you around like that. You should really stand up for yourself.
Ok-Huckleberry-9394 t1_jegp9d7 wrote
Embrace it
Mnemotronic t1_jedgcxc wrote
But at least I know how you get that red grid pattern on your fat ass.
bruh_bruhington t1_jec9s17 wrote
I’m only 20 and I don’t have a wife so I don’t have a say in this but I would of tripped her grabbed her arm before she fell and slammed her on the ground in the frozen food isle and say “call that lazy?”
SometimesStable t1_jea3h6v wrote
Don’t let her push you around like that.