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coastalJuncture t1_jed4mcu wrote

As a bi-sexual, i could go either way with this joke.


Needleintheback t1_jeexu3e wrote

As a tri-sexual, I'll try anything😘


kaiwulf t1_jefr06u wrote

As a buy-sexual, I would like to give you $1000 for one night with your comment


Spike-Ball t1_jedtdj4 wrote

I still don't know what LGBT stands for; every time I ask, i never get a straight answer.


GuzziR1d3r t1_jefbccm wrote

Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato.


Hidi2 t1_jefuti2 wrote

Its lesbian,gay,bi,trans


Worried_Pomelo9010 t1_jee9vq9 wrote



human_peeler t1_jed51mp wrote

They suck more than jokes...


Revolutionary_Crew80 t1_jedf61i wrote

Can confirm as well

Source: am gay


Turd_ferguson42069 t1_jedj69d wrote

I don't get it


Revolutionary_Crew80 t1_jedj8rn wrote

Dicks. Gays suck dicks, lol


Spike-Ball t1_jedtezw wrote

They literally suck each other's dick at the same time. It's pretty hawt.


Informal_Thought3158 t1_jeer6nx wrote

I'm not gay but my boyfriend is, he prob reach around and slap me if he heard me say that


DezzyLad t1_jefj9r4 wrote

I was going to make a gay joke... Butt fuck it.


AdExtra2795 t1_jef59ox wrote

I’m transgender and it seems like my son would just stare through me as if I wasn’t even there.

Then it dawned on me.

I’m a trans-parent!


Positive_Ad_2458 t1_jeeswp6 wrote

Idk. One of the best jokes I ever heard was from a lesbian comedienne who's skit went, "There would be less lesbians in the world if men were any good to women in bed. Like, there should be a whore house for women Where the men are paid to listen and act like they care about what their clients are dealing with, pedicures, and massages. And later, at that moment of climax (which has a money-back guaranteed delivery.) the men have to cry out, "CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GREAT YOUR SHOES MATCH YOUR DRESS!!!. She also said that she likes to mess with men and that the last man she was with asked if he had hurt her when she groaned. Her response was, "No your not hurting me; your ANNOYING me! You think you could hurt me with that ?!!!" I mean ouch!!! But still funny as shit. 😆


LogicalComa t1_jefdx4a wrote

I think this one would also be good with "Why are gay people not good at poker?" >Because they can't keep a straight face.


DesignerTex t1_jeeo1xn wrote

They have a mouth full of......oh nevermind. Straight face, got it.


Otyscambel2004 t1_jefajjm wrote

They are taught not to talk with their mouths full


Sonyguyus t1_jeftmky wrote

I thought it was because they’d couldn’t wait to get to the end


GU2CU t1_jeg5j4u wrote

The cell mate turned to his cell mate with that look. I’m ready for you come over here. They begin to move closer to each other. And the one cell mate begins to take control of the situation. Turns his partner around and is now behind him. He begins to kiss and nip at his ear behind him. The other cells stays. Stop that. No fucking gay shit!


mac2914 t1_jegtxpj wrote

Their delivery is tough to swallow.


Sander08481 t1_jedjizv wrote

Cuz there too busy sucking other things


AverageOccidental t1_jefohdx wrote

Ngl I thought the punchline was gonna be something really bad like “‘Cause they’re good at it”


SterlingToguy t1_jeg3fcy wrote

You’re clearly missing seeing the funny gays like Steve de gay


AdAcceptable1700 t1_jegjq3f wrote

I am a wish-sexual. I wish someone was available for sex!🤣🤣


misterflerfy t1_jeh552x wrote

i have an r/antijokes version but i think it would get me a ban


Papadopium t1_jed8vr9 wrote

Because this is what they like to do in general not only at telling jokes!


tucktight t1_jefxfdr wrote

Because they're too busy sucking cock?


AwkwardConversationz t1_jee3mz9 wrote

very inappropiate, but also okay because it was too funny


Mr_Pombastic t1_jee7m7n wrote

As a gay guy, I don't think it's inappropriate at all! Gay jokes are great when the punchline isn't "haha that's so gaaay" or just lazy stereotypes.


Ok_Elk_4333 t1_jeemorw wrote

Exactly. This is not offensive in the slightest, the complete content of the punchline is a pun based on the terms used to describe straight and gay people.


shantired t1_jeex1rc wrote

DeSantis? I thought you were battling Disney.


RogerPirate_ t1_jediesx wrote

They suck at telling jokes ‘cause they got better business to mind..


Difficult-Reach-5205 t1_jedcydu wrote

be it a transgender and a joke has multiple meaning


Longjumping_Bid_2651 t1_jedutad wrote

Argh, be it a transgender matey


Spiritual-Range-6101 t1_jef7cea wrote

Yo ho ho and a bottle of estrogen/testosterone!

Whichever floats your boat


Longjumping_Bid_2651 t1_jef7i1s wrote

Hehe, I'm sad the comment has downvotes, but also I love the spelling

We need more pirate transgender people with their growing / lack of ye old booty