vegancookie t1_jea3q3v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in After a long night of making love, the guy notices a photo of another man on the woman's nightstand by the bed. by ES_FTrader
You have either mistaken edgeyness with bigotry, or you simply are a bigot, neither would surprise me.
[deleted] t1_jea6w6c wrote
vegancookie t1_jea7nsf wrote
Your words are clearly towards me, and show that you give a little more than a simply penny for how I, and others, feel. That you feel threatened by other people's gender identity, shows just how insecure you are with yours. You are trying to impose your perception of other people's gender identity onto them regardless of if it is their gender identity. You seem to think you are in fact, the main character.
88Goldman88 t1_jea9jri wrote
I am the MAIN character of MY LIFE, but i dont demand YOU to change for me, or be in it. I love to eat meat, drink my milk with cookies, but I dont give a bleep about you eating your vegancookie and subtitute with vitamin pills. I love my woman, but i dont have care if you are sexually attractive to grasses, dog, cat, Jesus, Buddha...... And If you can't get it, then you are the problem.
vegancookie t1_jea9z4j wrote
Again, you misgendered some imaginary person in your initial reply because you want them to be the gender you perceive then to be rather than who they are, you are trying to main character the whole universe, not just your life, but other people’s lives.
88Goldman88 t1_jeabu95 wrote
you are too far from this world, i'm suggesting your psychiatrist to add Lithium and Vraylar to your daily Pills. Eat your grasses and be happy, you are NOT a MEATPHOBIC.
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