[deleted] OP t1_jef2wiq wrote
anonamouse78 t1_jef7zlp wrote
You can indict a ham sandwich.
jcpmojo t1_jefdmwp wrote
And a traitorous, piece of shit dumpster fire, apparently.
spiked_macaroon t1_jefjch0 wrote
Especially a guilty one
soundisloud t1_jefnmde wrote
Ok but I have heard this joke about 20 times today, please make it stop
lamb2cosmicslaughter t1_jefnsfb wrote
You forgot to mention the epitome the moral standard of the republican party
originaldaveo83 t1_jefs5qe wrote
jmclaugmi t1_jefv4u3 wrote
good for up to 34 times!
Explains_Wrong t1_jefvktn wrote
3 inches of fun!
Lazaruzo t1_jefwb3y wrote
Jeez, I know he’s fat but calling him a ham sandwich is rude, the guy was president after all! I mean he lost the popular vote both times but ya know… democracy and such…
danxmanly t1_jega1rd wrote
Last I checked this isn't even a joke.
rainblade1980 t1_jegd6d5 wrote
You know how you can tell when tRump is lying?
His lips are moving
XxJamalBigSexyxX t1_jegdw6g wrote
Because it is in fact, a fact? Tr*mp finally won a vote!
ScoDucks316 t1_jegk87x wrote
onairmastering t1_jegq38f wrote
Sir, this is an /r/Jokes
Beowulf1896 t1_jegtlcw wrote
Zestyclose-Ruin8337 t1_jeh4u8s wrote
Get of the phone dad
RyanM1977 t1_jeh55yk wrote
Hah. Love it.
Darth_Roel t1_jef1qvl wrote
There's a first time for everything