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Friendly_Physics_690 t1_iu92le4 wrote

This isn’t a transphobic joke. In fact, it is actually quite progressive. It uses the correct pronouns for the man who has transitioned and it is accurate to say before someone transitioned that they were a her in the past (assuming that the person did at one point in their life refer to them self has she/her.

I don’t like transphobic jokes at all but this isn’t one of them


Frampfreemly t1_iu959el wrote

It doesn't have to be transphobic for the online mob to falsely declare it is and target op.


Friendly_Physics_690 t1_iu968qy wrote

Not a single person has commented saying it’s transphobic. I think you have the wrong end of the stick here thinking people are going to hate.

I feel like this shows that you have a lack of understand on what is or isn’t transphobic and the damage that actual transphobia can cause with this comment


rufusjonz t1_iu9tkai wrote

I agree with you, but you see it has been removed -- certain things you are not allowed to joke about these days, or get censored