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anonny42357 t1_j5t21hk wrote

Yes, it is. Right up there with Community and Schitts Creek


RandoEncounter OP t1_j5t7lj4 wrote

I think those shows don't even come close.


anonny42357 t1_j5tji1j wrote

Agree to disagree. Except in the Netflix season of AD. that was trash.


RandoEncounter OP t1_j5tqo8a wrote

Yeah. I think Arrested Development is artwork because of the immense detail, the nicknames, the hidden jokes, the writing, acting, the wordplay. So much!

Community and Schitt's Creek, while they have aspects of all that, are undeniably not as detailed and not as cleverly written. I've seen Arrested Development 4 times by now. I notice something new every single time. I'm not kidding, every time.

Community is so awesome! But upon rewatching, it's the exact same thing. Schitt's Creek, I think, is all right.

Have you ever seen the movie The Royal Tenenbaums?

Edit: and, I agree, the Netflix continuation sucked

Also, here are just a few of the jokes in Arrested Development


anonny42357 t1_j5wnu72 wrote

Huh, I actually missed some of those running jokes. It has been ages since I watched it though. I watched it countless times when it first came out, and clearly it needs a rewatch. My mom keeps pork scraps & bones that she boils down to make soup stock that she then sticks in the freezer with the label "ham water," so, naturally, one day I went through and added "hot" to all the labels. And that's how I ended up binging the entire series with my mother, after she had absolutely no clue why I was giggling and renaming all her soup stock.

I just like to pretend that the Netflix episodes don't exist, much like the last season of scrubs. It simply didn't happen.

Community, aside from season 4 (which was mostly crap) has a fair amount of callback/foreshadowing humor and running gags too.

I just like that Schitts Creek can be funny and actually be wholesome AF without being a sappy mess.

I've yet to see the Royal Tanenbaums. I wonder if it's on any of the streaming services over here.


RandoEncounter OP t1_j5x6o7y wrote

That's hilarious! Did she like it? No, not 'like.' Good works of art should be appreciated lol. What did she think?

Wow I haven't thought about Scrubs in a while! I don't remember the last season though. As for Community, that's very true, but it lacks the detail and intricacies of AD. Maybe I'm just a hater. I liked Community though, I stopped watching after it went to Yahoo streaming or whatever.

About SC (Schitt's Creek), yes, that is a very good way to put it. Exactly.

The Royal Tenenbaums had a similar plot to SC and AD in the sense that it's about a rich family that's no longer rich, but it's closer to AD in the DETAIL, acting, and narrators. I actually found out the writers from AD actually took inspiration from The Royal Tenembaums, the mild plot, style of filming. And the cutaways, what they show. Royal Tenenbaums is also very well-framed. It's pure art, but in a mostly different way than Arrested Development.

BTW, if you haven't seen it, I super-recommend a show called Pushing Daisies. It has a narrator and a really cutesy-morbid-paranormal story and vibe. Very cute show, very sweet, very unique. It also has a narrator and the writing slightly reminds me of AD. Very slightly, but that's why I thought of it. Definitely a good show.


anonny42357 t1_j63jd6g wrote

She loved it. Somehow boyfriend doesn't love AD and that saddens me deeply. He thinks a lot of the characters are cringey, like Buster and "stinky mouth man" (Bluth sr)

The last season of scrubs isn't worth your time. Some network exec true to stitch a spin-off into the end of scrubs which had a really good solid ending. JD was a teacher at a different teaching hospital. All the rest of the cast was gone or was just cameos. It's not even so bad it's good. It's just bad. Crap writing, awkward acting, bad concept, clearly noob actors, just bad.

I definitely need to seek out RT. It sounds very good, and like a show I'd actually watch watch, instead of having it as background noise while I play video games.

Pushing daisies was fabulous. I have looked for it and can't find it anywhere, and that sucks. Community is on Netflix in the Netherlands. I think it might be on peacock in North America? Maybe? Idk. The first three seasons were the best. Part of season 5 was good. Then they dumped Pierce for being racist, and Troy left. And then Shirley left. Then they started trying to plug the holes in the cast but it was a sinking ship.


RandoEncounter OP t1_j64139w wrote

The Royal Tenenbaums is a movie :x

I have Pushing Daisies on my computer :) maybe I can send you links to download them. I think I can find them in Mega.