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totpoter t1_j9o0acr wrote

yeah cause sucking off the west is so awesome isn't it, best part is when they blow up their allies pipelines and bomb the middle east 10/10 morality thank fuck you dont sympathize with the russians


biffbobfred t1_j9ox48v wrote

It would be instructive to split empathy for Russians and supporting Putin. If one wanted to be empathetic to Russians, you should absolutely hate and despise Putin and want him gone.

Putin has:

  • decided the “waves and waves of Russians to soak up bullets” manner of warfare still works
  • sent an army so corrupt that soldiers lack bullets. And, oh, shoes.
  • used terrorist tactics that make Russia a pariah state. This will affect Russia negatively for years to come.
  • heavy handed conscription (for the above “let them absorb bullets”) means a horrible brain drain.
  • a new conscription of college dudes will result in an even worse brain drain. This will harm Russia for decades to come.
  • didn’t diversify his economy away from being “a gas station with nukes” even with the example of Venezuela. Again, damage for decades to come.

If you care about Russians you have to want Putin out.


totpoter t1_j9r9r1c wrote

Sources: revealed to you in a dream

Even the Ukraine admits that they've lost way more than russia has lol

But yeah im sure 4/5 russians approve of him because they just hate themselves dont they

Try searching up Bidens approval rating or any other Western leader and see how many people support them :)


kaldrein t1_j9ob3eo wrote

Got to love some misinformation and whataboutism.


totpoter t1_j9r9f5l wrote

Yeah cause Russia defending its people and stopping a genocide is bad but I could wager that you never said anything about the US invasions and coups around the world, or its continued occupation of Syria. Only when Russia does something its bad, even when its perfectly justified


kaldrein t1_j9s2a4p wrote

Ah yes. The no proof russian people genocide. Russia’s long time justification of genocide in Ukraine. I see you attempting to engage in whataboutism again.


totpoter t1_j9wezaw wrote

14 000 civilians dead in Donbas & bans on the Russian language would disagree with you.


kaldrein t1_j9wjocv wrote

You are quite dumb aren’t ya. 14k is the total dead in the conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian backed and created rebel groups. Please show me sources that say that Ukrainian forces were engaged in a genocide.


totpoter t1_ja0zhgo wrote

Dude its literally on Wikipedia, you people are literal NPC's who cant think for yourselves


kaldrein t1_ja11fs2 wrote

Please tell me how anything there describes a genocide by Ukraine. You telling others to think for themselves is utterly laughable.

Edit: also point out where the article conflicts with what I said about the death toll.