
biffbobfred t1_j9ox48v wrote

It would be instructive to split empathy for Russians and supporting Putin. If one wanted to be empathetic to Russians, you should absolutely hate and despise Putin and want him gone.

Putin has:

  • decided the “waves and waves of Russians to soak up bullets” manner of warfare still works
  • sent an army so corrupt that soldiers lack bullets. And, oh, shoes.
  • used terrorist tactics that make Russia a pariah state. This will affect Russia negatively for years to come.
  • heavy handed conscription (for the above “let them absorb bullets”) means a horrible brain drain.
  • a new conscription of college dudes will result in an even worse brain drain. This will harm Russia for decades to come.
  • didn’t diversify his economy away from being “a gas station with nukes” even with the example of Venezuela. Again, damage for decades to come.

If you care about Russians you have to want Putin out.