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t1_ja7iecp wrote

What was on the BBC at the time?


t1_ja7pzi7 wrote

Not na expert, but during that time British radio was all prohibited because they obviously where anti-nazi


t1_ja95d9z wrote

Bomb warnings, resistance reports, news broadcasts, and the allied troop movements that had been made public.


t1_jab1k0z wrote

First and foremost, there was accurate (more or less) news of the war. Newspapers in occupied Europe were either banned to conserve paper or were heavily censored by the Germans, who only allowed news of German victories to be published. Radio ownership was forbidden under the occupation, but most people wealthy enough to afford a set were able to keep one hidden, even if it was just a simple homemade crystal receiver. Besides the news there was other programming intended to lift the spirits of people under occupation, including patriotic music and jokes like this one. Radio programs included helpful instructions on how to resist against the occupiers, both passively and through direct action. The BBC also sent coded messages to communicate instructions to resistance groups.