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lijizhixing t1_jacqthc wrote

I’ve heard it costs $3.14 in Barbados.

Now that’s got to be the best pi rate I’ve ever seen


samuscrazy-123 t1_jad71wj wrote

So it would seem


roxinmyhead t1_jaeztlr wrote

Man, I love that movie!


samuscrazy-123 t1_jaezy4r wrote

I only watched the 1st pirate of the Caribbean


roxinmyhead t1_jaf0ryd wrote

I really like all three of them but my favorite shot of them all is in the first one right after Jack Sparrow talks to Barbossa about negotiating with the crew of the Interceptor for the medallion, Barbossa tells someone to throw him in the brig and he throws Jack's apple away... the music picks up while it cuts to a shot of the Interceptor riding thru the swell from off the front of the ship. I can almost smell the ocean breeze right there. Mmm


samuscrazy-123 t1_jaf117h wrote

I like the part where Jack and will fought each other in a swordfight


roxinmyhead t1_jaf1fui wrote

That is also awesome. In fact, that movie is just great. Now I'll need to go watch it again..... and then the 2nd and then the 3rd... you should try them sometime, its fun to see Will and Elizabeth get more... badass, for lack of a better term.


samuscrazy-123 t1_jaf1m7o wrote

Eh, pirate films don't interest me, even if there is Johnny Depp on it


roxinmyhead t1_jaf1tzt wrote

Oh well, guess I'll have to watch them again sometime for the both of us! 😉 Have a great day!


Stahlbrand t1_jad3m4o wrote

Id rather watch big bang theory than have to know this joke exists and that i like it.


Artanthos t1_jadvqm0 wrote

They tried to charge me $45 for a hamburger and fries in Nassau.

~$17 in Freeport, and it included a soda.


takoyaki-md t1_jae9e1u wrote

no the best pi rate i've ever seen is probably jack sparrow.


Nike_Decade_Bear t1_jad88b6 wrote

Norm Macdonald

I am Thankful for the kindly ladies who leave pies upon their windowsills so an old chunk of coal like me might have a bite now and then.


SpellDostoyevsky t1_jadeojd wrote

They often serve booze with their food in the Caribbean, and the birds are very aggressive there. So if you are paying attention to your pie rates you should be aware, if you drink whiskey, of the jack sparrow.


Flush_Foot t1_jad0ni6 wrote

That’s how much you pay for a little slice in paradise?


Loggerdon t1_jade6az wrote

Upvote I guess...


ihaventanyidea t1_jadrail wrote



InfiniteVoids OP t1_jadsx6c wrote

I posted it there and thought r/Jokes would enjoy it as well. There was no way to cross-post it...


amerkanische_Frosch t1_jadx2lo wrote

Men who suspect they have prostate cancer often have an MRI done in the Bahamas or Jamaica. The results can be quite enlightening.

Those are the PIRADS of the Caribbean.


qlus_zwei t1_jaerwgx wrote

Where you find apple pie to buy in Jamaica?


p17s82 t1_jaf0l8p wrote

I’m yet to see a Pilates studio named “Pilates of the Calibean”


kompootor t1_jadudbl wrote

Why'dja have ta make such bad puns? Ja maican' me crazy! And I can't properly cuss ja out from baha' ma screen!


BahamaDon t1_jae3sxy wrote

FYI - If you are on a Bahamian "out-island", and are white, then there is an unwritten "white tax" they add to lots of things,. For example, usually about $5 more than the posted price on a bottle of alcohol. Pie probably gets a free pass.


DWright_5 t1_jae39qe wrote

The Bahamas aren’t in the Caribbean. They’re in the Atlantic Ocean
