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InformalPenguinz t1_jd1qw7e wrote

Look in to Moissanite! Better and cheaper than diamond. Don't spend a shit load.


The_Illist_Physicist t1_jd2bhym wrote

** better in a lot of ways.

I only say this because moissanite is a 9 on the Mohs hardness scale. Other than that though it definitely creams diamonds.


uncertain_expert t1_jd1tl1r wrote

The 4 C’s:

Cut, Colour, Carat, Charity


ccbikeryder t1_jd1tutn wrote

Charity was the reason my engagement was called off. Also her sister Destiny.


polar_rabbit t1_jd2l8ed wrote

I have a problem with taking advantage of a store in that way. It’s like folks that go to a shoe store to try shoes on and figure out their size and then buy the same shoe online. I find it shameless personally.


K1LLINGMACHINE t1_jd1t1l2 wrote

Great idea and exactly what i did. Lab grown diamonds are more sustainable and ethically sourced, too 🌎


Majin_Noodles t1_jd1xozf wrote

For shits and giggles I tried googling for blood diamonds thinking they’d also be cheaper…could not find a seller lmao


schorschico t1_jd2f8sg wrote

Save even more money by skipping the engagement ring all together.


MonsieurReynard t1_jd2dcf8 wrote

The history of how the diamond industry invented the "tradition" of diamonds as wedding and engagement rings in the 20th century is a fascinating example of a con.


Fresh_Pomelo8842 t1_jd2fwia wrote

OR don't buy one. don't get married. nothing good will come of it.


Quinquilharia t1_jd2ljv8 wrote

We got rings made of silver. The total cost was about $14. The rest of the ring money went to the house down payment, we’ve never regretted it.


Majin_Noodles t1_jd35nl8 wrote

Congrats! We were fortunate enough to be able to afford the rings, wedding and house. I suppose we’re one of the lucky few in todays economical climate.


keepthetips t1_jd1qr3t wrote

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Vagsticles t1_jd2bwsq wrote

I got an opal engagement ring, it's beautiful and I like it so much more than the diamond rings I looked at. It was 500 bucks. So another way to save is to go against tradition.


MonsieurReynard t1_jd2dha7 wrote

The "tradition" of diamonds as engagement and wedding rings is about one century old. It was invented out of whole cloth as a marketing campaign by the diamond mining industry.