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keepthetips t1_isnk6qb wrote

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Literator22 t1_isnkc8k wrote

I mean, what would be the need to do that? They can very easily generate your address from postal code and you won’t notice/know.


SmokeyMcPoticus t1_isnl15i wrote

Doesn't this amount to fraud if ever brought up?


sandrews1313 t1_isnwo3c wrote

They’re still getting the zip and that’s all they need.


SmokeyMcPoticus t1_isozvb8 wrote

I having trouble connecting your reply to my question. Whether or not you need to provide an address was not in question. If the giving of a made up address, which may be someone else's home, as your address amounts to fraud or not. If I say I live at your house, is that not some firm of fraud?


SmokeyMcPoticus t1_isp33ae wrote

The lying part to start. Looked a little further into it for you, it's illegal to do this in some states and if you go as far as accidentally using someone else's address, or intentionally using it without their permission, it amounts to address fraud. If mail intended for you goes to these locations you provide instead of yourself, you can also go to court for mail fraud. Didn't understand why you think nothing of lying about your address, but it's not such a big deal in some places if nothing happens.


penpencilpaper t1_isp4ip9 wrote

Okay, well I didn’t agree to having my information sold to multiple companies just because I decided to buy a phone case online. Oh but I’m the terrible person who is only trying to protect my privacy?


SmokeyMcPoticus t1_isp6e6u wrote

It's not a morale debate but a legal one, and that's the point. Your opinion is yours and it does not supercede the law, so however you feel right in justifying your choices, remember that feeling morally right doesn't stop the government from fining or jailing you.


Flair_Helper t1_iswic2c wrote

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