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FluorscopicFuck t1_iucxfen wrote

Hmmmm…. My cluster B Histrionic personality disorder high school girlfriend of two years holding council with her three best “Groofies” that also had personality disorders to discuss and pass judgement on every single aspect of our relationship. Even the intimate details. One time, the council decided that they were okay with cheating. I later found out she was making out with one of my classmates at laser tag over the weekend. Another time the council decided that her self harm was just something that would pass on it’s own and that she didn’t need to seek help or tell me about it. “I talked to my friends about it and they said it was okay. They didn’t think I needed to tell you”. Zero accountability. No thanks. Once she was involuntarily committed a few times, those “friends” disappeared. She was on the streets last I checked. Friends don’t always have your best interests at heart.