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t1_itl3h46 wrote

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t1_itl5udy wrote

New clothes are also covered in chemicals to preserve them during transport. They have been known to be toxic and/or irritable to skin.


t1_itlxsom wrote

I remember seeing an episode of House where a kid (nearly?) died after buying a pair of jeans that "fell off the back of a truck" from someone's trunk sale. It turned out they'd been treated with some kind of toxic chemical and had been stolen on their way to be incinerated.

I don't know if that can actually happen but I always wash my jeans before wearing them now.


t1_itmcmir wrote

I mean, sure, do that. But is there ANY actual real world cases of people getting disease from clothing? It feels like they could be abstractly yucky that some guy touched them but is there actually any actual demonstrable risk that isn't 1 in a million?


t1_itmgsei wrote

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that I'll go to Target and "try on" an assortment of tshirts by stuffing them down my pants... and then not buy them.


t1_itmvt06 wrote

I've never washed new clothes, bedding, towels etc ... All fine. I am in Europe though, so maybe there's some standards etc that need to be complied to. Not sure. Haven't actually bought clothes while away on holiday, east or west.


t1_itn0lwq wrote

Even if no one has tried them on, factories and warehouse are filthy places, and as another poster mentioned, most fabrics and clothing have been treated with chemicals to preserve them.
I rarely wear anything before it's been washed with detergent, though usually use a short cycle for new clothes.

Source: BS in Textiles and Clothing, worked in clothing industry for 5 years, professional seamstress for over 40 years


t1_itn21r6 wrote

This! This was solidified as necessary when during the forensic analysis of Jon Bennet’s case, they tested newly purchased underwear to see if dna could indeed be found even if that hadn’t been worn yet. They not only found dna but also hairs! This was in a pack of underwear in plastic so just imagine the ones hanging on the racks


t1_itn3qmd wrote

I always do that for every clothes I buy, except for shoes


t1_itn6ofl wrote

ANY item that's going in your house should get washed. Stepson works in a warehouse. He said everything is filthy and handled by folks whose hygiene is not all that.


t1_itn7v5h wrote

You need to wash them properly with detergent. New does not mean clean. People with skin disease could be trying them out before you bought them. So, you need to wash them thoroughly, even more so than if they were your old and dirty clothes.


t1_itnkzox wrote

if they are colors... soak them in white distilled vinegar for 10 minutes before you wash them. this will help set the color and keep them from running.


t1_itnmt9p wrote

TIL there are people who buy clothes and proceed to just raw dog reality and wear them without washing them first. Yikes.


t1_itnndo2 wrote

It also rinses out excess dyes. I've see someone come out with blue legs from wearing new blue jeans.


t1_itnp68o wrote

First time wash clothes inside out, cold water, with a cup of vinegar to set the color.


t1_ito8y1b wrote

One cup baking soda and one cup white vinegar through wash to remove chemicals/ coating! 🌈🖖


t1_itpp5p6 wrote

Handwashing pantyhose/stockings before the first wear makes them last a lot longer. They wont tear as easily as they do straight out of the packet. .


t1_itr5tsk wrote

this seems wasteful to me and the majority of the people in the comments probably have lowkey OCD or some shit. i dont doubt they come dirty sometimes. but dirt. in general. isnt that bad

LPT - something bad for the environment

someone here said to put colors in vinegar first… why not sulfuric acid so you can wear them once before they disintegrate? wtf lol