tvieno t1_iwsb6bx wrote
Reply to comment by gotBooched in LPT: double your hourly pay rate to find out very roughly what you would earn in a 40 hour a week job over 52 weeks by gotBooched
Then multiply it by 1,000.
gotBooched OP t1_iwscgu9 wrote
You could multiple it by 10000 and then divide
tvieno t1_iwsegy3 wrote
Or multiply by 2000 in one step and call it done.
gotBooched OP t1_iwsihq0 wrote
You’re done after just multiplying by two
tvieno t1_iwsjp4k wrote
No. If my hourly wage was $25. If I multiply it by 2, then my annual wage would be $50.
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