
tvieno t1_jeefsf9 wrote

>EGOT, an acronym for the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards, is the designation given to people who have won all four of the major American art awards.

>The EGOT acronym was coined by actor Philip Michael Thomas in late 1984, when his role on Miami Vice brought him instant fame, and he stated a desire to achieve the EGOT within five years.(Thomas has yet to be nominated for any EGOT prize.)

>The acronym gained wider recognition following a 2009 episode of 30 Rock that introduced EGOT status as a recurring plotline.


tvieno t1_je65wz9 wrote

Sell what you can. UHaul or other truck rental, the price you see online is going to be the price you pay, unless you damage the equipment. If you are worried about towing your car, get a friend to drive it for you while you drive the truck, or vice versa and they fly or take a bus back. Or you leave the car behind and take a bus or fly back to pick up your car.


tvieno t1_j66w9ky wrote

I don't think it is a foreign accent they are developing but they are speaking differently that the way they used to, it just so happens to sound like a foreign accent.

For example if I started pronouncing my R's differently, you could say I would sound like i am British or Bostonian, but no, i am just pronouncing my R's differently.


tvieno t1_j25lu2d wrote

Load up a route on your phone, study the route, put the phone in your back pocket (or wherever), follow the route from memory, pay attention to the surroundings around you, then take the same route back.

Now of course, first choose a route that is easy with few turns.

After a while, next time look at the map without a routing, and decide what route to take.