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BANDlCOOT t1_j1yajfh wrote

Dogs sneeze when they're really happy or when they're play fighting to show they aren't a threat.


schwifty38 t1_j1ygjgf wrote

My dog sneezes when he gets something in his nose.


Allbymyselfalone t1_j22itak wrote

Watch out for sneezing fits, we just learned (2wks ago) the hard way that it could mean they have a tumour on the heart. Had no idea, but he and I would do the “fake” sneeze to initiate play and it was hilarious


gwenver t1_j1zjcim wrote

My dog definitely does this.


schwifty38 t1_j201ok7 wrote

I guess our dogs are excited to get stuff in their noses then.


0xd0gf00d t1_j204lkj wrote

My dog sneezes like clockwork if I give her belly rubs near her flank.


WeekLongEclipse t1_j205a5y wrote

My dog sneezes when someone’s chasing her. It’s like a defense mechanism.