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t1_j1q1i1z wrote

Ya. Waze will have you paragliding off a cliff in a bomb cyclone to save 90 seconds.


t1_j1q5io2 wrote

Any time I ignore Waze I end up stuck on a closed highway for hours.


t1_j1qwkad wrote

I had the opposite problem with Waze. I would run into multiple situations where it would run me in circles because it's maps were sometimes out of date...


t1_j1rgu3m wrote

It literally uses the exact same maps Google maps uses


t1_j1rnupl wrote

It did back when I used to use it as well, and yet I was able to navigate correctly with Google Maps, but Waze still forced me to navigate in circles because one street changed from 2-way to 1-way.

I originally used waze mostly for the crowdsourced traffic info, but I ended up giving up on that from being burned too many times by the navigation logic


t1_j1s6wf3 wrote

They're different and theiy're edited differently. Waze is 100% community driven. The more local editors you have the more likely the roads are correct. (You could become an editor as well).

GMaps has recently added more ways for ordinary people to edit, but it isn't anywhere near Waze's level.


t1_j1rvvvt wrote

Not really... I've encountered multiple instances where Google maps and waze don't agree whether a road exists or not.


t1_j1rwbbw wrote

If they were the same then they would have merged the products.

Waze knows traffic and self-reported accidents. Waze also regularly routes me to uncontrolled intersections with no break in traffic as a “short cut”.


t1_j1s96ja wrote

Not disagreeing with your conclusion. But in general "If they were the same then they would have merged the products." can be false for (1) the purpose of brand recognition, (2) the facade of competition, and (3) as an experimental incubator for features that they could incorporate in their "main" product. You see 3 in Google maps with their reports feature.


t1_j1tas2z wrote

They're combining the maps and waze teams at Google. Which sucks, because waze is great for driving and the maps team have never really cracked that one to the same degree, but I think they'll be the lead team so goodbye good navigation app.


t1_j1ryg13 wrote

I found that neither of them works very well once you got out of the city, or highways. Last summer I went my partner to do some rural tourism and felt like playing Russian roulette if I didn't checked the route before. It's still an improvement from first commercial GPS that toke me to some real weird places.


t1_j1rzzs2 wrote

I was driving to Vermont and Waze took me to a ferry to cross Lake Champlain instead of driving south of the lake. It didn't really end up being an issue, but a heads up would've been nice.


t1_j1u60u8 wrote

Which ferry? Driving south of the lake from Plattsburg can take three hours.


t1_j1ud0y1 wrote

This is so accurate! My Waze is generally great but it'll take me on the windiest backroads on the sharpest hills to spare a minute.