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Empire2k5 t1_j15hhvc wrote

I just tell them straight up. Don't be so soft.


ThrowawayLocal8622 t1_j15iit9 wrote

I'm older and don't have time other than just getting it out in the open. If they have a problem with it, that's on them.

I say this but I'm also known for openly stating where we stand. I got a co-worker who crossed me and I don't bother with them. They tried apologizing after several attempts to gaslight me while covering it up. We're done. Let's go to HR to hash it out.


Empire2k5 t1_j15j08w wrote

Exactly. It's a pretty rare occurrence because I'm not going to constantly be around someone who annoys me, and if it's someone I know well then they understand where I'm coming from and won't care if I tell them they are being annoying.


ThrowawayLocal8622 t1_j15jm46 wrote

Precisely this. We're both adults. I'll tell you honestly. What you do and how you react to this information is on you.

We can talk through it. I'll make time for you.

Be a jerk about it. Get in the sea. I'm old. I'll live. I'll live better without you around. I guarantee it.

Cut me off. Again, I'll be fine.

You need a break. Great. Go live your life over there.