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betcher73 t1_j270f2n wrote

You literally mentioned a good reason in your comment. What if the Noncompete is over the top and boxes you in? What if the NDA has huge financial penalties? You won’t know until you read it.


LonelyGamer1337 t1_j2ac73k wrote

I actually replied but was shadow banned. Reposting with edits.

>What if the NDA has huge financial penalties

..If you broke it. Don't break a contract lol. If it's another companies product or property they own the rights to it. Doesn't matter if you don't like it. That's called being a responsible adult.

>What if the Noncompete is over the top and boxes you in?

IANAL but noncompetes can be disputed and it's usually a facade anyways. The only time a company is going to sue you over a non-compete is if you were going to be hired to their direct competitor with your knowledge. Like a head AMD engineer transferring to a head Intel engineer. Even then, remote employment opportunities would likely render those null and unenforceable.

So to summarize: These points are just moot. The only one remotely close to worrying about is the noncompete and even that is probably useless or unenforceable in most circumstances.


betcher73 t1_j2ad3rm wrote

It’s weird how much the whole point of this post has just gone over your head.

Yes, don’t sign a contract if you plan to break it. Yes, feel free to fight your non compete clause in court. Those are both valid points.

But you are missing the biggest point. You might not care, but someone else might not want to sign those agreements. That’s valid yes? You shouldn’t feel forced to work for a particular employer, and it’s your right to go somewhere else. However, if you resign from your job without seeing those contracts, you might feel forced to work for that employer because you have bills to pay and a family to support. It’s better to see them before you resign.

YOU might think it’s moot, and not worth worrying about, but there are many people that this would apply to. If the advice doesn’t fit you, ignore it. It doesn’t change the fact that this can be good advice for some people.


LonelyGamer1337 t1_j2afhdn wrote

> It doesn’t change the fact that this can be good advice for some people.

I don't even disagree with you that companies should have to disclose those documents upfront before the hiring process. However the advice you're giving is not good advice. It hinders someone's opportunity for employment. If HR thinks you're being difficult with them they will just find someone else and you lose your opportunity.

I work in IT and we bought another company. During the merge we had people being difficult with people installing new MFA software on their devices because of data privacy rights concerns. They were claiming that they weren't going to install it because it violates their data Privacy rights. The companies response > There's the door. Companies don't play around in America.

If you ask HR for the paperwork so your lawyer can review them before signing I can assure you that you won't need to worry about it anymore anyways.


betcher73 t1_j2ah8wh wrote

It seems incredibly unlikely that a company would rescind an offer for politely asking to review any documents in advance. If you ask politely and they refuse, that might be a sign you didn’t want to work there anyway.

Your example doesn’t really apply here because those employees refused to follow company guidelines. The post is not telling you to refuse, it’s saying to ask to review them.


LonelyGamer1337 t1_j2aikpp wrote

>The post is not telling you to refuse, it’s saying to ask to review them.

Fair point and I will give you that. However my point is that:

A) NDAs and the like are not going to affect you anyways unless you violate them by disclosing information you were specifically told not to. Sign it anyways.

B) Non-compete contracts are the only thing worth reviewing here. Even still they are so astronomically unlikely to ever affect you anyways. Sign it anyways unless you're working in a very niche field.


betcher73 t1_j2aj30a wrote

My point is that there are people out there who would like to review the NDA, noncompete, etc before they start working. If you’re not one of those people, maybe this advice just doesn’t apply to you. 🤷‍♂️