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keepthetips t1_j6op67l wrote

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jhaxvile t1_j6oq5rh wrote

i already do that it's called work.


anumariam t1_j6ot8n7 wrote

As a mom of 2 … Getting my son (4yr old) ready for school and dropping him to school… by keeping my daughter (4month old ) in hand is the toughest part of the day…. the rest of the day just moves ahead quickly… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Habanero_Eyeball t1_j6ov1n9 wrote

Many times this is great advice but often it's not. Sometimes you just need an easy win or 3 to get the momentum going


HungryLikeTheWolf99 t1_j6ovwky wrote

There's a book about this, called Eat the Frog.

The thesis is to do the hardest things early, which makes the medium things less hard and the easy things can still get done.


jimardon t1_j6ow2j2 wrote

Tomorrow I will wake up and prepare dinner, then lunch, and finally breakfast.


TheForceHucker t1_j6oz0fy wrote

I couldn't agree more OP. I start by cycling to work, higher above sea level than my home, which I hate doing. At the end of the day I'm just rolling downhill. The other way around it would be fucked.


MakesMyHeadHurt t1_j6ozhmh wrote

I like this sometimes, but it depends on the other chores I have to do. If all the rest are small, it's nice to knock them out real quick first. Then you only have one last thing to worry about.


isaikya t1_j6pb9wo wrote

I would never get out of bed though. If I had to get up and be immediately faced with the worst part of my day I would just lay in bed for as long as possible.