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t1_j6h0u5g wrote

>Baking soda and vinegar is used as a cleaning solution

You can use it as a cleaning solution, but it's not going to be any more effective than a bottle of water.


OP t1_j6h1lvt wrote

When baking soda is mixed with vinegar, the acid breaks down baking soda, releasing carbon dioxide gas that can help lift dirt from the surfaces being cleaned.


t1_j6h2ki0 wrote

Do you know what else helps lift dirt from the surface being cleaned? A brush, a sponge, an absorbent towel, a vacuum, or even just spraying it with water. Using the created carbon dioxide gas is just a mechanical force to push dirt. I mentioned in a different comment that the only kind of useful case for using the bubbles to clean is in places you can't reach, like your drain.

Saying you can use the carbon dioxide bubbles to lift dirt is like saying a student can carry all their books between classes with their hands. Sure, it kind of works, but many alternatives will do the job better.