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t1_j9c85rw wrote

Another reason why not to date co-workers as well


t1_j9crdfz wrote

What do you mean? I am about to do that


t1_j9csh3f wrote

Only date a coworker if you’re sure you can handle the repercussions if you break things off. Mixing emotions in a professional environment is not always a safe idea.


t1_j9cxyck wrote

If it's a big company with multiple divisions/offices it's not that big of a deal. But if you will be dating someone from the same division as you, that's gonna be really problematic.


t1_j9cxfdw wrote

There's an expression, don't dip your pen in company ink.


t1_j9dvaoo wrote

Another saying….don’t get your bread and meat in the same place.


t1_j9euu1a wrote

There's a saying in Spain about the same: don't put you penis in the place where you have your pot.


t1_j9dujh7 wrote

If you decide to date a coworker, you have to also decide that the potential relationship is more important to you than your job. It's do-able, but much more likely to lead to drama than most new relationships. If things go wrong, one or both of you may need to leave. It's a bigger deal if you have a long-term career with the company, less so if it's a casual job and you won't have trouble finding other work if necessary.


t1_j9enylq wrote

Don’t shit where you eat, if the relationship goes sour can you keep working in a serene environment?


t1_j9ex0qt wrote

Bah just do it if you want to, ignore all the naysayers. There aren't really any rules to this and none of these people know your situation.

Also most people in this thread can barely even comprehend speaking to a coworker, let alone dating and banging one