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xstrike0 t1_j9dnms0 wrote

Yep I do this in a new workplace. Controlled releases of harmless information to see where it goes.


_Dry_View_ t1_j9eujyc wrote

Harmless usually means no juicy. No juicy gossips aren't going anywhere, noone wants to talk about them. You have to offer them some real bait to see what happens.


sirsmiley t1_j9exo9r wrote

For example that you're packing nine inches all the time and your pants are always uncomfortable.

Give it one business day and everyone gives you bizarre looks at your waist level.


starsfavoritebook t1_j9f291v wrote

Not true. I told someone at work where my parents moved from and heard it from someone else three hours later. They don’t care. It will spread.