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FlamingoWalrus89 t1_j9stsuw wrote

I think it's more likely that pulling things out of the oven is pretty basic stuff. It should be obvious when two hands are needed. And when doing so, you should be moving slowly and carefully. If you're whipping things out in a quick frenzy and don't realize the inherent risk of handling hot items, then there are other tips you should start with before this LPT. Like, take your time and think about what you're doing when you're moving large dishes full of hot liquid.


Sketzell t1_j9uheaz wrote

It's BECAUSE it is basic that mistakes happen. When you bake often you get pretty confident you know the drill and so you aren't expecting that random mistake or distraction or obstruction that causes you to react in panic. When you react in panic, your sense of logic goes out the window.

Do y'all just not cook or bake often, because I could see this being hard to relate to if baking was something you always need focus for.