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OP t1_ja7x70v wrote

Choco milk solves all


t1_ja7xf2s wrote

Choco milk hides the depression, but it does not get rid of it. Source: my fridge full of choco milk.


OP t1_ja7xr4z wrote

Haha depression. Im full of brandy and chocolate. Life is good. I guess im just one of those glass half full type of guys.


t1_ja7y1la wrote

Stop intaking brandy and see how good you are afterwards. THAT is the test.


OP t1_ja7yf2n wrote

When im not intaking brandy i feel normal. I also like normal. But sometimes i like to partynin my kitchen with brandy and chocolate milk.


t1_ja7zykm wrote

Alcohol addiction and sugary drinks is a good recipe to give you high cholesterol, BP and possible cardiovascular issues.