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MarkOfTheDragon12 t1_ja7vnh3 wrote

Real LPT - Don't try to hide shit from your wife?


[deleted] OP t1_ja7wjph wrote

No thanks. I will stick to my chocolate milk.


DJKGinHD t1_ja7wrjc wrote

LPT: Feeling the need to hide your alcohol intake from your significant other? Either you need help, or they're being too controlling. In either case: seek help. Covering up a problem only lets it get worse.


[deleted] OP t1_ja7x70v wrote

Choco milk solves all


DJKGinHD t1_ja7xf2s wrote

Choco milk hides the depression, but it does not get rid of it. Source: my fridge full of choco milk.


[deleted] OP t1_ja7xr4z wrote

Haha depression. Im full of brandy and chocolate. Life is good. I guess im just one of those glass half full type of guys.


DJKGinHD t1_ja7y1la wrote

Stop intaking brandy and see how good you are afterwards. THAT is the test.


[deleted] OP t1_ja7yf2n wrote

When im not intaking brandy i feel normal. I also like normal. But sometimes i like to partynin my kitchen with brandy and chocolate milk.


vinceds t1_ja7zykm wrote

Alcohol addiction and sugary drinks is a good recipe to give you high cholesterol, BP and possible cardiovascular issues.


ChrisGeritol t1_ja7zi3x wrote

The best way to not seem like an alcoholic is to... Wait for it... Not be an alcoholic.


[deleted] OP t1_ja8016u wrote

pffftt! Thats quaey. The fun of not seeming to be an alcoholic is still being an alcoholic.


ChrisGeritol t1_ja80v2x wrote

Hopefully, your wife will find a man that values her more than he values being an alcoholic.


tuckeram7 t1_ja7ybou wrote



Hatesbellybuttons t1_ja7zyna wrote

Pro tip: cover your unhealthy thing with a different unhealthy thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


[deleted] OP t1_ja80bbu wrote

"Choco milk is good for the soul as well as the bones."

-j. Chroist


vinceds t1_ja7zpbc wrote

If you can't control your drinking and feel the need to conceal it, you are addicted. Hiding an addiction is not a LPT.


AspyAndy t1_ja80w85 wrote

The real LPT is admit to yourself you've got a problem with alcohol and do something to get sober. You'll give yourself the best chance at being your best self and no need to lie.


LifeProTips-ModTeam t1_ja80xnw wrote

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keepthetips t1_ja7vhk1 wrote

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