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dpineo t1_ixj7ot5 wrote

Sure. I see the potential of CT as being a language for expressing, reasoning about, and ultimately designing, AI/ML architectures abstractly.

In software development, we have the concept of "design patterns" that provide a common vocabulary with which we can describe common recurring patterns in software design at an abstract level. It cuts past the implementation details and allows us to focus on larger concerns, such as the composition and coupling of components, and the flow of information. This maturity in software development has allowed us to grow past brute forcing spagetti-code programs to developing robust enterprise-sized systems.

I believe that AI/ML is still in it's spagetti-code infancy. We have no idea how to build and compose AI/ML components into a system a disciplined way. To scale up to larger and more complex AI/ML systems, we're going to need to step back and look at AI/ML architectures more abstractly the way that software did with design patterns. I think CT may be able to help with that.